The Gatekeeper, Part I

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Nick peered over Kali's shoulder and then reached around her, pressing his hand to her forehead. She yelped in surprise and jumped away, glaring at Nick while he laughed. "Easy, tiger, I was just checking to make sure you aren't running a fever," he teased.

"Why would I be running a fever?" Kali asked, pressing a hand to her chest and slowing her breathing. "Do I look sick?"

"No, but you're reading something that isn't a music magazine," said Nick. "The only other time I've seen you do that is when we were trying to figure out the Fireheart."

Kali rolled her eyes and snatched the book from the breakfast table. She and Nick were still at his sister's apartment, she had been waiting for Nick to get ready before they both headed into work. Rachel had left over an hour ago, considering she had a small commute to make.

"What you reading, anyway?" Nick asked.

"I'm trying to figure out why I can sense when something bad is about to happen," said Kali. "I've always had a sort of sixth sense - I mean, remember when Carrie-Anne had that epileptic seizure in gym class, and I knew it was going to happen before it did?"

Nick nodded. "Yeah, that was weird," he said.

"And that time Coach Wayward almost crashed his car," said Kali.

"He was having a heart attack behind the wheel when you run in front of him," said Nick. "We always put those down to coincidences."

"What if they weren't?" Kali asked. "What if that sixth sense was my magic? I just didn't consider it because I didn't believe?"

Nick looked considerate. The theory had some depth to it, but without proof, it was just an idea. "I still don't get what the book is for," he said.

Kali tossed him the book she had borrowed from Root core. "Udonna said it had all the stories of the Ancient Mystics," she said. "Including the black ranger - she could sense things, too, and not only bad things. She could sense when any kind of magic was being used."

"Okay..." said Nick, still confused.

"She was an elf, Nick," said Kali. "She was an elf with the power of a Hellhound. Two magical creatures that can sense when something is about to happen. What if my ability to sense dark magic is linked to my Hellhound? That could be why I was chosen as the Black Ranger."

Nick scrolled through the pages and then looked up at his best friend. "Have you spoken to Udonna about any of this?" he asked.

"Not yet," said Kali, shaking her head and taking back the book.

"It's a good theory," said Nick. "But, I wouldn't put much faith in it until you can get all the facts. I don't want you to be disappointed."

Kali smiled and nodded, glancing down at the book in her hands. On the front cover was the symbol of the Mystic Force. She run her fingers lightly over the shield, acutely aware that Nick was watching her. She was glad that he believed her, but also knew that he had a point about needing to speak with Udonna.

The silence was broken by the chime of their morphers. Nick opened his and Chip's voice filled the kitchen.

"Guys, we have a problem! Toby was just abducted... and you're not going to believe by whom."

"Spare us the drumroll, Chip," said Kali.

"It was Necrolai."

Nick and Kali shared a startled look as the others chimed in. They all sounded surprised.

"Necrolai? But how?" Vida asked. "We destroyed her with the dawn crystal."

"Well it didn't work," said Xander. "Chip, do you know where she took Toby?"

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