And it's definitely not dad because he is on a business trip. 

It turns out to Royal and my mom ,
having their time of their life in the kitchen where I don't fit in !

"And there she is" Mom smiles

"Think of the devil and the devil is here" Ro smirks

"Well well well , this devil needs that yum yum stuff" I say and descend down the stairs , more like hop .

"Don't complain when you fall" ,
Mom kinda yells and Ro chuckles , fudge , he's so attractive !

You are whipped .

"Here take this 'yum yum' stuff  " ,
Ro smirks and stands directly in front of me

" I am assuming you are talking about waffles" I say and grab the plate.

" In case you haven't noticed,  I'm right here " Mom says which makes us let out *a fake cough* ...

"So what were you both talking about ?" I say , changing the subject. 

"Just refreshing the memories" Mom says

"Yaa , and we didn't talk about you started crying because you felt you were drowning in a 2 ft pool when you were 3 ft with a brain of 1 ft",
he says , trying hard not to burst into laughter

Instead of getting annoyed , I feel happy because he made peace with what happened and didn't held it in for longer .

"Mum , something's wrong with her" Ro whispers to 'my' mom , loud enough for me to hear

"Actually not "

I get surprised that Mom took my side over him !

That's something new .

"Something's wrong with both of
you! "

There you go !

"What did I do ?"

"More like what's going with you two ?"

"What? Nothing's going on with us" Ro tries to deny it and I won't lie ,
it kinda hurts !

My immediate reflex is to go to my room but I'm smarter than that.
So I do the next best thing that is continue devoring the chocolate waffle.

My mom's phone rings and she excuses herself not before giving Ro , her look of,
'I am a mother and I know everything' .

It kinda makes me think that why don't spy agencies try hiring them ?

"You want one more?" he asks

" I'll pass "

"Okay?" he says and settles beside me .

"How did you sleep?" He asks



*Conversation turning awkward alert*

"What's up ?"

"Nothing "


"Let me enjoy my food"

"You can enjoy with the cook as well"

"Not interested"

"Something definitely up " he says and starts poking me !

"What gave it away?"

"Okay kiddos , I am back" Mom says while entering into the kitchen and Ro pulls apart .

"Mom I am done. I'll be in my room , just call me if you need anything"

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