“Right,” I said, slowly, convinced now that she was crazy.

“Lily, this is Gajeel,” she told the cat. “He’s my new guard from the capital.”

“Am I supposed to shake his hand or something?” I asked, smirking.

My mouth fell open when the cat suddenly transformed, and a large black man stood in front of me. He held out his hand, smirking back at me. “That’s how two people usually greet each other, isn’t it?” He asked in a low voice.

“You’re a—”

“I’m a shifter,” he nodded, chuckling. “So, Levy isn’t crazy.”

“You thought I was talking to a normal cat?” Levy scoffed, offended.

“Well,” I shrugged, “he looked like a normal cat.”

She burst into laughter, doubling over as she laughed harder. “Gajeel, you’re so funny,” she wheezed, wiping tears from her eyes.

“Tch,” I grumbled, crossing my arms as she calmed herself down.

“Levy,” Lily began, frowning at her, “I still insist on paying for the room.”

It was Levy’s turn to frown. “No. It’s my month, so I don’t want to hear anymore protest.”

“What are you two talking about?” I asked, totally confused.

“In order to live in the guildhall’s rooms, you have to pay monthly rent. I talked Lily into moving in here a few years ago so that he could help me out, and we always fight over who pays his room’s rent.”

“She insists every month,” he sighed.

“I don’t pay you for helping me, so it’s the least I can do,” she smiled, patting the man on the arm. For some damned reason, the act made my muscles all tense with anger. I didn’t like how friendly they acted.

“What kind of help?” I asked.

“He assists me during…emergencies,” Levy said, adding the last word after thinking about it a moment. “If the, uh, need arises too suddenly for me to find someone, Lily helps me.”

“Wait a minute,” I frowned, looking between the two of them, not liking what she was implying, “you two…” Stupidly, I couldn’t bring myself to say it.

“What?” She frowned. When she realized what I meant, her eyes went wide, and she looked up at Lily. “Oh! Oh, no! We don’t—we haven’t—Lily and I aren’t intimate,” she stuttered. I could have sworn she was blushing when the man beside her chuckled.

“I help by finding someone for her,” he explained. “There are a few contacts I keep in town, so that’s what I do.”

“So, you’re kind of like a sex-supplier,” I mumbled, unable to stop the smirk that tugged at my lips, despite my displeasure of the topic.

“Pretty much,” he chuckled.

“Well,” Levy said, clearing her throat, “we should all be going to bed. Gentleman, I’ll see you tomorrow.” She excused herself, leaving me alone with Lily.

“I assume you arrived last night?” He asked.

I nodded. “I came with two others, Natsu and Gray.”

“Levy is a sweet girl,” he said. “Make sure to protect her.”

I nodded, frowning as he left. What the hell? The damned cat acted like he was her brother or something. My mind lingered on the word brother, and a relieved feeling crept its way into my mind. I shouldn’t be relieved. It doesn’t matter what—or who for that matter—she does.

My Beautiful Devil (Gale) {Fairy Tail AU}Where stories live. Discover now