Chapter 27: Supernova

Start from the beginning

Seeing Taehyung's beautiful car in the last parking lot was so out of place because this lot was for the ones who couldn't pay for the parking at all or for the ones who didn't really want to. There were old cars and bikes and Taehyung's car stood the most amongst them ofcourse.

Taehyung gets out of the car when he watches Jeongguk approaching. He's wearing a mask and he really should because he can't afford be seen here, not with Jeongguk atleast and he understands because Taehyung will be in big trouble if his father would find out.

"Hi". Taehyung waves at him and Jeongguk just walks faster towards him.

"Thank God you made it. I thought someone abducted you or something." Taehyung and throws the car keys at Jeongguk, the racer catches them.

"Where are we going?" Jeongguk asks when Taehyung moves to the passenger side. He smiles at him.

"Get in, I'll tell you." Taehyung says and gets inside the passenger seat. Jeongguk sighs and does as told.

"Take the road to Cheongdam's top." Taehyung says and Jeongguk frowns, looks at him but Taehyung has this---excited glint in his eyes and there's no way Jeongguk can say no to him.

"Why are we going to the steeps surrounded by wood at the middle of the night?" Jeongguk asks.

"Are you scared?" Taehyung asks in amusement and Jeongguk rolls his eyes.

"Of course not. It's just, a strange place at the strange time." Jeongguk starts the car and gets it out of the parking lot.

"I don't think so. You'll see when you get there." Taehyung says and Jeongguk nods. The car ride stays quiet for a while.

"Left or right." Jeongguk asks because there are two ways that start and go all the way to Cheongdam top.

"Left." Taehyung says.

"Okay." There's nothing in particular that they could talk about and the silence is very comfortable which ensures there's nothing bad going on between them.

Jeongguk stops the car at the top ground they reach and even sitting in the car, he can tell this is going to be a good view. Because there's no moonlight but the sky is bright with stars and it's more beautiful.

"Come on". Taehyung says and gets out of the car followed by Jeongguk.

And his eyes widen at the absolutely beautiful sight when he reaches the end of the cliff. Cheongdam looks so pretty from up here and it's the night lights that illuminates their surroundings as well.

But the starry sky is the most beautiful at this moment, like small fireflies littered on the pitch black sheet but giving out white light.

"It's so beautiful. Can't believe I'm using this word for Cheongdam." Jeongguk says and Taehyung chuckles next to him.

"What's in the surface can always deceive you. Being beautiful from outside but not from inside, happens alot." Taehyung says and Jeongguk agrees.

"Cheongdam might look inviting from up here but it's a trap---it's hell inside." Taehyung says and Jeongguk looks at him.

He was lying when he said the starry sky is what he found the most beautiful---no, it's Taehyung. Taehyung's the most beautiful.

"Why did you bring me here?" Jeongguk asks and Taehyung smiles wildly.

"Told you, toast on me tonight, second general." Taehyung snickers and opens the backseat door of the car, taking out a pizza box and two cans.

Jeongguk didn't see them when he was in the car. The racer laughs.

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