He shooes us away.

"Now, go shower and meet me back here after dinner."

You and Rey nod silently, learning to be quiet under Luke's protective orders.

You and Rey part ways at your separate rooms, but you can feel how anxious she is. Her heart is racing, as is yours.

You close your door and sink down.

This whole Jedi thing is so much harder than you thought it would be.

You sit against your door for a while before you realize you should probably be getting ready. Luke said this ceremony was important.

You head to the bathroom after grabbing a new set of robes.

Showering quickly under cold water, you let your thoughts scatter.

Luke is still wary of you, but he trusts you enough to become a real padawan, or whatever it's called.

You turn off the water and dry yourself off, changing in the shower stall.

The bathroom as far as you can tell is empty.

That's odd.

Rushing down the stairs you realize why nobody was in the bathroom.

You're late to dinner.

Rey's saved you a spot. You gratefully take it.

"Where were you?" She hisses between her teeth. "I've had to sit and listen to Mey and Ash flirt all through dinner!" She says.

"Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts." You say, spooning the now cold soup placed by your seat into your mouth.

Rey sighs and you know it's not a good enough excuse.

About ten minutes later, all the children file out and onto the training grounds.

You and Rey have barley been outside since you arrived and you find that you miss the suns warmth.

There's an aisle and chairs set up under the stars.

Luke stands at the alter. He beckons you two forward.

When you arrive he starts talking quietly.

"When I signal you to, you both shall walk down the aisle at the same time. I'll say a speech and then one of the other Masters will finish the ceremony." Luke gestures behind him to figures cloaked in darkness.

You nod, too scared to ask questions.

"Don't be scared girls. It's painless." Luke smiles and you relax slightly.

Rey heads back down the aisle and you do the same.

By the time everyone is seated and ready, darkness has really settled in.

Luke says a couple words and then beckons you in your mind.

Hurry, walk down the aisle now.

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