Chapter 1~A Spark

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Hedgehog sat with his friends Unicorn,Monster,Chameleon and Tree as they had some drinks together. "You did very well out there man." Monster laughed as he playfully punched Hedgehog's shoulder with a blue claw. "I'm thankful for your compliment Monster,you did pretty darn well yourself might I add." He responded to the giant blue furball with a light chuckle as he chugged down his drink. The other creatures and wooden tree laughed along as they Too chugged Down their drinks. As they continued chatting along,Hedgehog got distracted by the girls walking by,mainly Queen Bee,who he had an insane crush on. The girls giggled together as they spoke about their performances on stage in front of other species and others. Hedgehog sighed dreamily as he stared at the yellow and black beauty,to which Monster smirked mischievously at him.  "You like her don't you man?" He laughed which made the prickly hog blush in embarrassment from the statement. "That's preposterous,what on earth would make you think that?" He stuttered in embarrassment,nearly dropping his drink. "You've been staring at Queen Bee for a darn long time since meeting her...that's gotta be some sort of explanation." Monster replied,causing the others to laugh loudly. "C'mon lover boy...admit love Queen Bee don't ya?" Unicorn teased with a sly smirk on his muzzled face as he clasped his hooves together. Poor Hedgehog blushed deeply as he got up and walked away from the teasing boys,walking down to his room.

As he walked down the long corridor, Queen Bee bumped into him and accidentally pinned him to the wall as a result,causing them both to blush. "I'm extremely sorry Queen Bee,I'm really unsure of what I did-" he stuttered but got hushed when she placed a gloved finger to his lips. "Don't worry 'bout them pesky boys back there...they can be rather tiresome." She responded with a chuckle,making Hedgehog's heart beat even faster,his brown face now a dark shade of red from being this close to the one he was smitten by. "Why Thankyou for that,and I truly agree with your statement." He replied shyly,twiddling his thumbs together. Queen Bee laughed at Hedgehog's cute actions and reached up to kiss his cheek,making his eyes widen to the size of saucers. "No need to thank me cutie,I'll see you later." She said before skipping off to catch up with the rest of the girls,leaving a flustered Hedgehog behind near his room. He entered his room and shut the door,leaning against it with a sigh,happy that the one he loved kissed his prickly cheeks.

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