"I'm glad the uniform fits you well. If all goes great, you can keep it." She says with a friendly wink while I let out a laugh.

"I sure hope so. Everyone here expects me to be queen but it'll sure be embarrassing if I can't even make it to be advisor." I say lightheartedly, even though one part of me cringes at the thought of that happening and would rather dig a hole so I can die in peace bridled with my mortification.

Asha laughs at my words while nudging me slightly in the side as she walks besides me, "Honey, between you and me-" her words lower as she glances this way and that even though no one is with us in this empty corridor, "Even if you suck at this, we'll still keep you in the council just far at the back so that nobody can see what a screw up you are. But, don't worry. I've already seen how you conducted yourself yesterday and based off of that, we're already off to a great start." Her words leave me with my mouth agape while I ponder over what she's just said.

Is this what it feels like to have power? People just letting you in even if you don't deserve it? The thought doesn't sit well with me but I'll make sure to tell Asha to be honest with her assessment of me. I want to be brought in on my hard work, not just who I'm affiliated with. However, technically, I wouldn't really be able to be part of the Royal Council if it wasn't for my mate.

God damn it.

The once empty halls now start to fill up with people here and there. My wolf howling in pride while I internally squirm as random workers come up to me and bow their heads if not falling to one knee in response to who I am. The thought of being queen and me feeling uncomfortable being a whole far away sensation when it comes to someone bending their knee to me.

I don't know how Malleus does it.

"Trust me Fie. You'll get used to it after a while. Oh wait," she says as a teasing smirk pulls at her plump red painted lips, "I should be calling you, 'Your Majesty the Queen." A shiver rakes up my spine at the thought of someone addressing me like.

Shaking my head vigorously, I open my mouth, "You call me that and I'm walking straight to Malleus to find a new Head Advisor." Peals of laughter escape Asha as she shakes her head at my words. Tears almost coming out of the woman's eyes as she dabs at them. Probably the thought of me going to Malleus to ask him something like that being downright hilarious to the woman.

I have fair belief in myself to think that I could do something like that. Not that I would, of course.

"You do know you can wear something else right? I mean you haven't been inducted into the advisory role officially so you can just come wearing casual clothes." Asha continues as we walk further into the castle. The pitter patter of rain not letting up since the day Malleus caught up to me in that marble gazebo.

It's a good thing I love the rain.

"I don't have any clothes. I've been meaning to ask, is there a way I can get some? I've just been rewearing my old clothes that get washed everyday. Maybe I could go into town and buy some proper clothing?" I ask, keeping out the part where I have literally no money on me and even if I did, the currency of this realm being something completely different to our own money back home.

I don't realise my words have caused Asha to stop until the sharp sound of thunder reaches me and snaps me out of my thoughts. Turning my head, I catch the woman with a soured expression on her face while she regains her footing and catches up to me with a few steps.

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