Chapter 4

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(The song is called breathe me by sia)

I woke up to a beautiful day.

Nope just kidding i woke up feeling nauseous. I ran to my new bathroom and puked about 2 times. I brushed my teeth to get that metallic taste off. I had already moved all my stuff in the apartment and it felt good to get away. Im not going to school im just taking my classes online.

I even called Cassidy to tell her were i was at and she promised not to tell.

She sounded pretty worried but she told me she was happy for me happy that i got a new life to start.


"Scarlet dear listen to me i want you to go hide in your secret room i made for you okay and don't come out until you hear no noise okay?" My grandma said with fright in her voice.
I simply nodded and ran to my secret room.

"WHERE IS SHE!" My dad screamed out.
I had to live with my grandma since my dad would always abuse me and lock me a closet with nothing to eat or drink for days.
People always blame me for what my dad turned himself into.
"She's not here." My grandma replied calm.
I then heard screaming and 5 shots firing.
I didn't hear any noise so i got out just as my grandma hold told me .
I regretted it the second i got out.
He pulled me by the hair and threw me against the wall.
"Why couldn't you have died instead of my Rose my beautiful wife you fucking demon!"
I started crying begging him not to hurt me.
He just laughed and i grabbed a vase that was next to me and threw it at his man hood.
I got up and ran to the living room trying to find my grandma. I found her in the kitchen as her breathe was faint.
I felt so broken as i saw her trying to catch her breathe.
"S-Sc-Scarlet i lo-ve y-you i need to tell you some-thing. me you and every-one we know a-aren't hu-."
And thats when she died as blood came down her mouth.
I didn't even get to hear everything,
I knew i couldn't stay there so i ran to the door.
I was so close and then my dad pulled my hair hair dragging me back to my the kitchen.
"You see you killed someone else."
He hit me in my green eye and he pulled out his loaded gun.
I then heard a voice in my head.
"You are not hurting our pup!" a male voice said.
"She is no daughter of mine Josh i need to kill her be a good wolf and stay quite!"
"No you aren't hurting her i rather give my life to safe her!"
Thats when my dad shot himself in the head and the voice said "im sorry my dear pup i love you." Then the voice stopped.
Then the police came took my grandma and father and asked me questions. And since that day i was living alone.

*end of flashback*

I didn't like thinking of my past because i just get filled up with pain.

Right now i was just getting ready to go grocery shopping today was my fourth week of being pregnant and i could feel the kicks of my little ones. Yup i said ones. I went to this hospital called "The Pack Hospital" weird right?

Well the Pack Doctor told me im having twins a little boy and a little girl.

I was still coming up names for them i didn't know what i was gonna call them.

I also got a job at clothe fashion shop.

Life its pretty great and over here i don't get bullied or judged i feel welcomed.

I finished getting ready i was wearing some blue jeans with a black tank top and a colorful cardigan with black toms.

I drove to the store. The store was pretty big.

I got some meat , wheat, chocolate, ice cream, cookies, brownies, milk, juice etc..

I went to the cashier and payed. The poor girl looked scared.

"Thank you ."

"Y-you're we-welcome Luna."

"Um my name is Scarlet, but thanks anyways."

Thats the third time i get called Luna.

I walked outside with my cart to my car.

I put all the stuff inside my trunk.

As i was going to my door of my car i heard a voice.

It was him.

How did he know where i was at?

"Scarlet can we have a talk?"

"I need to tell you who you are and what i am and what you have gotten yourself into."

(who do you guys think it is Tate or Jared ?

Anyways sorry for the cliff hanger

Should i continue updating everyday or just once every week?

I would also like to thank you for reading my story i hope you enjoy are enjoying reading it)

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