Chapter 2

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I could not believe i was pregnant. I can't have this baby. Im not saying abortion but i think i should give he/she up for a nice family.
I frequently looked around but no one was there. I probably just imagined it, but at the same i felt it was right. I didn't want my kid to be parentless.
It was already staring to darken outside and it was a Sunday which meant i had school tomorrow.
I wonder if i should tell Mr. Cains?
( Jared's POV aka Mr. Cains )
I can't believe i slept with her, and i don't even think i wore protection, but i do know i pulled out. I think.
I couldn't believe outta all the wolves in the world she was my mate. For god's sake she's a fucken human. She won't be able to be a good Luna for my pack. What was i thinking i should've just ignored my wolf's demand and the mate bond. Arg i have to see that human Scarlet at school, i just hope she doesn't tell anybody.
O wait i forgot she only has one friend. She doesn't even know that Cassidy is a member of my pack what a shame.
"Don't talk badly about our mate!" My wolf Bate yelled with anger and power radiating off of him.
"She's not mine i don't need her !" I spite back.
Bate just got mad and retreated back into my head ignoring me.
I'll make sure Scarlet goes to hell for ruining my life.
( back to Scarlet )
* beep beep beep*
"Arrrrrg i just wanna sleep!" I yelled while pressing the ok button on my phone to stop the alarm.
Today was monday and im still not planning on telling him its only been 3 weeks since that day , i had a break from school for winter vacation so thats a reason i haven't told him yet. Im pretty sure im not supposed to be showing this much for just 3 weeks.
Ive only told Cassidy and i made her promise not to tell anybody. I just hope she can keep a secret.
O guess what Cassidy has a boyfriend now , thats the reason why she ditched me at the party cuz they got together. His name is Will. She hasn't introduced me to him but she promised to introduce me to him today.
As i got out of my bed i went straight to the bathroom i took a shower and did what people do in the bathroom. I ended up throwing up like five times after that cuz you know pregnancy.

I went to my closet and picked out a long burgundy sweater with black tights and black boots with a black infinity scarf and put my hair in a messy bun i also added some mascara and dark red lipstick.
I got my keys for my apartment and car keys.
I then drove and headed to school.

When i got there all i could hear were insults.
" whats that loser doing here?"
"She should just kill herself like her father"
"She's such a freak with those eyes."
Awesome morning.
I walked to my locker preparing for my first period class. I only had to do 3 classes since i really can't afford any books. Yes in my high school you have to pay for your books.
~~~~~~2 hours later~~~~~

Right now i was in my last period which was english. What fun.
As i entered the room i could feel Mr Cains's eyes on me as i went to take my seat.
The class started as soon as the bell rang and all the girls were going gaga for him.
"Hope everyone had a fun break i know i did." He said in a sarcastic way.
"I have a worksheet here i need you all to finish it by the end of the class ok."
He passed the worksheets down to every row.
It was a worksheet about writing what we did how easy was that.
I finished before everyone and i went to turn it in. As soon as i stood up someone threw a water bottle at me i didn't mind it i just kept walking to the front.
Someone then threw a piece of paper saying "slut" on it.
As i sighed a girl yelled out
"Ew it lives!"
Everyone including Mr.Caines laughed i felt so hurt but i didn't want to say anything about it i just went to the front give him my paper which he threw away. I went back to my seat trying to hold back tears.
*ding dong ding dong*
The bell finally rang and i made my way out to the door holding my stomach just in case some one tried to push me on my stomach.
"Scarlet stay after."
Crap. Really i just want to go home.
Everyone exited out of the class and i was stuck alone with him.
He came up to me.
I was going to tell him but as soon as i opened my mouth he punched me un the face.
I fell down holding onto my belly with tears threatening to fall out.
I put my hand in my nose while the other held on to my stomach.
I felt something wet coming down from my nose and i knew it i was bleeding.
"Now listen get away from this state or city which ever just get away from me , you fucking whore!" He said with venom in every word.
I got up and slapped him.
"You know what fuck you and everybody here fine i'll leave but you will never be able to see your child ever bye you asshole!"
I ran out the door just leaving him there in shock.
I called Cassidy telling her that im moving and never coming back i didn't tell her where i was going because i didn't even know myself.
I had already packed everything and was leaving this state.
"Goodbye bitches!" I yelled out
And made my way to a better place.

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