Chapter 19

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1st: i am so greatful for 5k readers it means alot i just want to thank everyone your support helps alot

2nd: okay so i didn't get any accomplishment with the other story the fanfiction one of fairy tail so i just deleted it. Its okay maybe in the future when i get better at my writting skills ill re write it.
I did promise 2 chapters yay and im just going to combine them into 1 chapter which is this one.





I screamed in agony pain as my screams got louder the lights in the room flickered with sparks flying down

"I see the head, Scarlet just a couple more pushes and your new child will be born." The Doc said while doing his thang.

Jared was holding my hand while i was squeezing as hard as i could onto his.

I did a couple more pushes and then a beautiful cry was heard.

"It's a beautiful healthy boy." The Doc said with glee. His mate cleaned my new baby boy up and handed him to me.

He was beautiful. He stopped crying as soon as i held him in my arms. He opened his eyes. They were just like Xander's but these eyes had life had a sparkle to them.

When my new baby's eyes made eye contact with mine he gave me the most toothless grin and i feel in love even more with him.

I looked over at Jared and he was looking at this new miracle in this world with awe and fatherly love at him.

"Can i hold him?" Jared asked me.

"Yes of course." I said with a smile in my face.

Jared reached out with cautious and took the new born into his hands. Jared looked stiff as a rock, but as soon as our baby smiled he softened up. He might not be his but the way Jared looked at him was priceless.

"What shall you name him Luna." The Doc asked looking at me with a smile.

"I think Jared should name him." I said looking at Jared. Jared raised his head and looked at me with his eyes filling up with happiness.

"Can i really name him?" He asked.

"Yes Jared you can name him."

"I wan to name him turtle" he said with excitment in his voice.

"Ehhh turtle really?" I asked with a like wtf face.

"Haha no i was just kidding i want to name him Leonardo, Leonardo Caines." He said this time in a calmer voice while smiling and looking back down to Leonardo.

"Thats a beautiful name Honey." I said just admiring this view. The Doc brought my other babies in to meet their new sibling.

"Mama who that?" Violet asked pointing at Leonardo.

"He's your new baby brother i told both of them.

"Mama he pi-pink." Xavier said getting closer to Leonardo.

"Hah well that's because he was just born from mummies tummy." I said.

"Mama eat baby?" Violet said.

Outta both of them Violet could say the words better.

"No sweetie." I said trying to hide my laugh.

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