Chapter 49

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I was lying in bed unable to sleep because of all the things rushing through my head. I was tossing and touring, unable to get comfortable. I finally rolled over on my side and look the back facing me. “Niall?”

“Hmm?” He half mumbled in his sleep still facing away from me.

“When is everyone flying in?”

“Your friends and the boys minus Harry will be here this evening. Harry will be here from LA in the morning. And everyone else is either coming in today or tomorrow.”

“Okay.” I laid on my back and was there for a while longer until another question came into my head. “Niall?”

He let out a puff of air, “What?”

“Sorry I’ll leave you alone.”

He rolled over to face me. “No tell me what’s on your mind, you already have me awake.”

“Is Riley going to be okay to walk down the aisle? I mean he’s not that old and there is going to be a lot of people there. You don’t think he’ll get scared.”

“He will be fine. He’s use to being around a lot of people. If not, oh well. It’s the moments that aren’t perfect you’ll remember more than the ones that were. And in five years we will look back at it and laugh and have a good story to tell him when he graduates. Now will you stop worrying so much, you’ll get wrinkles. Everything will be fine.” He kissed the area between my eyebrows because I always told him I was going to someday have permanent lines there. “Go back to sleep for a little while.” He opened his arm so I could curl up to him and laid my head on his chest.  

Over the next day and a half everyone had begun to arrive. The boys flew in from London while my close family came from America. And most of Niall’s family was already there. I was busy with last minute things while Niall tried his best to greet everyone and keep me calm.

The evening before the wedding we all headed to the church for rehearsal. The pastor led us through the plan for the next day so everyone knew what they needed to do and where they needed to be. Amazingly the lads were on their best behavior, I think more for my sake than anything else. They knew I was stressed and didn’t want to make it worse. Afterward we finished at the church we went to a restaurant for supper.

At the end of the night, I was leaving with my friends so we could go back to the hotel and watch movies until we fell asleep. Niall was following along beside me before Greg grabbed him. “Where do you think you’re going little brother?”

“Back to the hotel.”

“No, you have to spend tonight apart. We’re going to dad’s house to spend the night like when we were kids. The rest of the guys will be there so it’s going to be just us men.”

“So I can’t spend it with her?”

“Nope its tradition to spend your last single night apart. You will see her tomorrow.”

“Fine but can I at least so goodnight to her?”

Greg allowed him to walk over to me. “I suppose I will see you tomorrow.” He said.

“I suppose you will. Go have fun with you friends on you last night as a single man.” I looked over his shoulder to all his friends standing behind him. “Make sure he enjoys himself, but not too much.”

“Don’t worry, we will.” They answered.

“I love you.”

“I love you too Erin.” He gave me a hug and a kiss before he joined his friends and I joined mine as we went our separate ways.

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