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"Mommy, mommy!" Ellie ran into the laundry room where I was folding my current load of laundry, my third of the day.

"What sweetie?" Picking her up, I set her on top of the washing machine so I could continue to work.

"When do we see daddy?"

"Once your brothers are done with school we have to take them to soccer practice. Then after they finish we will drive to the airport and see daddy," I explained.

Niall had been back in London for almost the last two weeks. Even though he says he was retired, he never really is. He was working at his studio, helping a couple new artist work on their records, and while there he was also participating in some golf event. So he wasn't really working, but he was still gone.

The kids had been missing him and since I didn't have to work this weekend, we were flying to see him for a few days. And to be honest I was missing him too.

"Can't we leave them and go now?" She asked.

I chuckled, "No we can't leave your brothers here, they want to see daddy too. Now why don't you help mommy and put away the clothes I already put in your room." I placed her back on the floor.

She was disappointed with my answer, so she stomped out. Her blonde hair with the soft waves bouncing as she went. Niall always says she looks just like me, but I can see bits of him in her too. Sure she received my blonde hair, but she had Niall's nose. She also got both of our dimples. Niall knew they were going to cause him trouble in the future. But my favorite thing were the freckles across her nose that matched her dad's. Now that it had started to warm up and we were able to spend more time outside, they had become more prominent.

As we drove to the airport, I was consistently being asked questions. From how long it was going to be, how long were we staying, what were we going to do, or if there would be food on the plane. I was hoping once we started flying they would sleep for a good portion of the flight, since we were going to be arriving in the morning.

Since I had all three kids with me, we decided for Niall not to pick us up at the airport, for fear of drawing a crowd. So instead he arranged to have a car pick us up and drive us to the house. After we landed, the kids grew anxious, excited to see their father. So while we were in the car, it was hard to keep them in their seats.

The car had barely stopped before they were unbuckled and jumping out. At the same time the front door was also opening. "Daddy!" Ellie yelled as soon as she saw him. All three kids ran into Niall's waiting arms. Even though it had only been twelve days, they had still missed him so much.

I approached them. Niall stood and we locked eyes. His arms opened, allowing my body to crash into his. "I missed you," he whispered into my ear.

"Me too."

When everyone was satisfied with the number of hugs and kissed, we finally made it into the house. "Morning Erin," I heard as I was slipping off my shoes. Looking up I saw all the other members of One Direction.

"What are you boys doing here so early?"

"We actually haven't left since yesterday," Liam answered.

"Don't your wives want you at home?"

"They understand why we're here."

"I hope it wasn't to see me, because we are going to be here for a couple of days, you could have come by later."

"No it wasn't to see you, although it is great to see you again," Harry stated before hugging me.

"Then what's going on, why are you in my house?"

See You Again - Niall HoranМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя