Chapter 29

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We were packing up everything from the hotel and getting ready to load the car. Niall was just in his boxers looking in his suitcase when he turned to me, “What do I wear? Am I supposed to wear nice clothes to impress them or are jeans and a shirt okay. I know nothing about your family. I want them to like me.”

I gave him a reassuring kiss, “I’m wearing sweatpants the whole time so wear whatever you want. They want to know the real you so you wearing nice clothes there would be weird. They will be in their work clothes from outside so anything is fine.” He continued to dig through his bag when he settled on his grey sweatpants and a baseball shirt.

We loaded all our things in the car and began our drive. Niall sat in the passenger seat and the rest climbed in the back. I turned on the radio and channel surfed until I found a song I liked on a country station and as soon as Louis heard what type of music it was, he climbed from the back seat and attempted to change the station. But before he finger could reach the button I grabbed it and began to twist it so he would stop. “If you like this hand and want to keep it in one piece, I would sit back down. When the song is over we can change the station.”

Niall laughed beside me, “It’s true Lou, this is one of her favorite songs. She listens to it all the time at home. One time I changed it on her and she ignored me for an hour.” He sat back down and once my song was over we listened to my iPod.

 We had two and a half hours so when we were about half way there, I stopped to get gas and give us a bathroom break because Niall had been complaining he had to go for the past hour. The boys went inside and returned with an arm full of food. “You realize we are going to eat lunch once we get to my grandma’s.”

“Yeah this is to hold us over until then.” Niall kissed my cheek as he got back in the car.

We were only a few miles away when Harry yelled from the back, “Are you sure we aren’t lost? I haven’t seen another car in the last 15 minutes and there’s not much here. Just a lot of snow, a few trees, and really flat ground.”

I turned onto gravel road. “No Harry, we aren’t lost. We are almost there and look there’s a car.” The car passed us and I waved at the other driver and they waved back.

“Who was that?” Niall asked from the passenger seat.

“I don’t know.”

“Then why did you wave?”

“If you don’t wave at everyone you pass, people get pissed and will flip you off.”

“Really?” Zayn questioned.

“Yep people that live in the country here very friendly people.” I pulled into the driveway and stopped in front of the house. All the boys except my boyfriend jumped out of the car ready to go inside. “Niall is there something wrong?”

“No.” I gave him a suspicious look because I could tell he wasn’t telling the truth. “What if your family hates me?”

I grabbed his face between my hands and looked into his blue eyes, “I promise you, my family will love you. They are about the most accepting, easy going family ever. They get along with just about everyone. You are the first guy I’m ever bringing home to meet them so they know you must be special so they are going to be nice. They know I love you, so they will love you too.”


“Yes I promise.” I quickly kissed his lip. We both climbed out of the car and walked up to the house.

Zayn wrinkled his nose and looked around. “What is that smell?”

“That is the smell of fresh air.” They are gave me an unconvinced look “And maybe a little bit of cow, actually a lot of cows, and some other things. Now who’s ready to meet my family?”

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