Chapter 13 - The Hunt

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Warning: Cuteness
Connor POV

My eyes flutter open just to immediately squint in discomfort from the shining bright light that traveled through the bedroom windows. I figured it was morning since all I remembered from last night was sitting by Hank in the living room. After that, everything went blank. I have no idea when and how I managed to get in bed while being pretty much asleep. Sleep walking? I suppose I sleep walked to my room.

Weight shifted on my right, bed covers moving suddenly. I froze, not knowing that someone else was in the bed with me. The shift was too big to even consider it being Sumo fluffing up the covers. My heart skips a beat as I slowly turned my head to find myself only a few inches away from Hank's body. The android wasn't sleeping, only staring up at the ceiling with his hands folded on his abdomen. He was fully clothed as his LED stayed a steady blue. He turns his head to face me.

I blink, "Did we fuck?'

Hank huffs out a small chuckle, shaking his head. Then I felt embarrassed asking such a silly question to an android. 'Do androids have genitals? Does Hank even have a pee wee?'

I grunt, looking away from Hank in embarrassment as he answers my question. "Of course not. I stayed here in your bed the whole night because you asked me to after I laid you in bed."

'So that's how I got in bed,' I thought, shifting out of the bed covers slowly. My feet touched the floor, toes cold from the exposure as I sat on the edge of the bed. My back faced Hank but Hank kept looking at me. I sigh, "Why would I ask such a silly question like that? Asking poor you to lay beside me even tho you don't sleep. Was I drunk?"

"No, you were completely sober."

"Then why did you accept my request?"

"I didn't mind really. I got nothing else to do since I'm stuck in your house."

"Yeah, babysitting..." I mumbled to myself, feeling my neck start to ache. The bruise still stained my skin and at this moment, I figure it might be another week before it completely heals. From there, I removed yesterday's wrinkled comfortable clothing before replacing my body with new protection sheets for the day. Hank only waited patiently for me to get ready for the day.

In the kitchen, I started up the coffee machine and waited for my beverage to be brewed. Hank only followed, his task to give Sumo a fresh bowl of soft cat food for his breakfast. Sumo purred in gratitude.

"How long have you had Sumo?" Hank asked, watching the feline munch down on the fresh wet food. I shrugged, "Not sure, maybe 3-4 years ago? He was a stray that I happened to pick up off the streets. He's probably 7 years old, best guess."

Hank only nods, petting Sumo gently on the back while the feline ate. I set myself on the kitchen table, pulling out my laptop with my coffee, logging onto the DPD system to see what's happening with the current case. Nothing new other than a possible sighting of Jose in downtown Detroit. 'Basterd should have fled Detroit while he still can.'

Within a few seconds, I feel weight shift on the table. I ignore it at first but once I lift up my cup of coffee in order to sip, my eyes met blue pearls hovering above me. Hank's hands were placed sternly on the table, his expression serious. 'Is he gonna whoop my ass? He looks like he's gonna do it. What did I do now?' I thought, smiling nervously up at the android. My heart started to race nervously from the tall broad android... or not?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2020 ⏰

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