Chapter 1 - HK800

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Ah shit, here we go again.

'this' means thoughts (thot)


Connor's POV

My name is Connor Anderson, a low life suck up that somehow managed to be one of Detroit's best detectives in the police department. Detroit just got out of a revolution, androids gaining rights and living with human beings on the same status. However, change takes time and people don't change their mind as quickly as the androids hoped they would. Androids still face discrimination and hatred among certain groups of people, resulting in assaults and sometimes murder. It just depends on the situation and the person that is attacking the machine.

Detroit is a shitty place to live; covered in trash and filled with people still living under the poverty line. I've only managed to buy a house and a best friend to keep me company in my own house whenever I'm in need for some comfort. Sumo, a large fluffy Persian cat, is the only best friend I've got at the moment. Even though his long thick fur collects on my couch in piles, I still manage to love that fuzzball.

For three years, I've been working for the DPD, cracking cases and helping people around the city. That is also the same time I started smoking, an addiction that helps calm my nerves and clear my head so I don't overthink about situations. I know its bad for you, but at this point, I don't give a damn. My life is pointless, just a burden on my shoulders just waiting to be released when I pull the trigger. On bad days, I would play a small game with the pistol I have at home. I would mix it up, throw it around and hope that one day that the pistol will actually shoot a bullet into my head. It was only a matter of time before that one bullet completes its task.

I had a twin brother that helped me get a job at the DPD. He was already working there as a police officer as myself wanted to be a detective in the department. He was a good man, working hard and proving himself that he can make a good change for this run down broken city. Yet, soon after I got the job, he was shot and killed during a case investigation right in front of me, feeling my heart skip beats as I watched him spill blood all over the floor. He was assigned to escort me around the crime scene, not to be shot at from the criminal hiding in the shadows. Ever since that day, everything changed.

I walk into the DPD building, formal in my uniform as I entered into the back where the offices were at for the police. The department only had a few officers working, sitting quietly to themselves as they worked on files. Before I could get to my desk, Gavin walks up to me with a serious expression on his face, arms crossed. Gavin was a man that was a prick to anyone and would step on your fingers just so he can succeed in his work. In other words, he was ambitious to the point that he looks like an idiot.

"Fowler wants to see you," Gavin explains before walking back to his own desk. I was surprised he didn't add an insult after the that sentence. I shrug to myself and then made my way to the Fowler's large office. Sunlight shined through the windows of the DPD, lighting up the hallways as I made by way to Mr. Fowler.

I knocked before entering, "You needed to see me?"

"Yes, sit down."

I enter the room to see a tall, buff android sitting in one of the chairs in front of Mr. Fowler's desk. He was handsome, grey hair pulled back into a loose ponytail with a jacket stating HK800 on the back. I nervously walk up to my boss's desk, taking the empty seat beside the android. The android and I dared not to glimpse at each other, both focused on Mr. Fowler.

Mr. Fowler begins, "There have been an alarming rate of assault cases throughout the city after that android revolution happened 2 months ago. In most of these cases, they involve human beings assaulting androids since people here are still weary about androids "taking over" society."

"People don't change overnight," I chuckled, leaning back onto my chair. I look at the android but the HK800 doesn't remove his eye contact from Mr. Fowler. The bald man groans before continuing, "I know Connor, that's why there's cases like these out there. People are too scared and lashing out of androids due to fear and confusion. That's why I'm pairing you with a android to help solve these cases. Since there are so many now, two investigators will help speed up the process in solving these new cases."

"What!? You want me to partner up with a machine!? I don't need a babysitter!" I gasped, shocked from the words coming from Fowler's mouth. I have nothing wrong with androids but for an android to just show up and play dress up without proper training is ridiculous.

"Would you rather work with Gavin?" Fowler threatens.

I shut up, tensing up from the idea of having to team up with that idiot. I would rather have my corpus eaten by rats before I let that man help me with anything involving cases. We would just fight back and forth, not getting anything done for the department.

"That's what I thought," mumbled Fowler as he shifted folders together in a pile before continuing, "You are now working with Hank, a HK800 model that is updated with everything new to date and specialized in helping with police cases. I hope you two do great work together."

I roll my eyes before standing back up on my feet. I don't even introduce myself to the android; just turn around and walk right out of Mr. Fowler's office. I stomped in fiery back to my desk and sat myself down.

'I could really smoke a cigarette right now.'

Even if I wanted to, it was not allowed to smoke inside the department. I've already tired before and nearly got myself fired even tho I was doing it in the men's bathroom. I don't care if the employees receive second hand smoking, it won't kill them just from one whiff.

A few minutes pass by before the HK800 model approaches me, standing beside my desk, towering over me. He was really tall, definitely past 6' foot, aged but in a handsome way. The last person I worked with was my twin brother and that got him killed.

"What?" I groaned, looking up at the android. My arms were resting on my office desk, my laptop turning on from sleep mode. The android looked down at me with steady eyes, studying my features before speaking a word. He was probably scanning me.

"I'm Hank, your new partner to help you with the assault cases in Detroit. I hope we can work together in solving these issues. Can wait to start working with you Connor."

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