13. Shopping

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After Jie's bath, I immediately left home to go to the market, ofcoarse followed by a little parade of servants I was granted by the emperor and Jie walking outside my carriage.

I looked out the window of the carriage and watched as we passed by stores and stalls, they really do sell all kinds of stuff, from masks, accessories and lanterns to sweets like rice cakes and candies. I saw kids watching my carriage in awe, they were dirty snd their clothes were ragged, I wanted to smile to them but remembering my mask, they wouldn't be able to see through it.

It was a requirement of the emperor that every high ranking ladies wear a silk mask to cover their faces when in public, ofcoarse a handful ladies in the buisness industry are excempted from this rule.

"My lady, We have arrived." I heard a voice from putside, I knew it was one of my lady attendants, I never bothered adking their names or memorizing it, after all, They all talk trash about me everyday, I wouldn't be suprised if one day I fall out of grace that they'll be the first to assault me.

I got out my carriage and headed in the building, I didn't need to look at the plaque of the store I was entering in because, Well, it's the only store in the kingdom that does tailoring for men, it was said that before, hundresds of stores were open that tailors for men, the emperor had taken a liking to theor tailoring and had hired all of them to his kingdom except one, a store called 5Shore, The tailor and the owner was none other than the disowned brother of the current emperor, Prince Haitei.

And it's the store i'm in right now.

"Welcome! I see a beautiful noble has arrived to my tiny shop!" My eyes widened, I looked around and found a man standing behind the counter smiling widely at me, he has black long hair that is let loosely reaching his waist, he has sharp eyes and a well shaped face and jawline, his nose is one that a woman will envy, wearing a casual brown and green robe, on his lean body he has a measuring tape around his neck

"It's been a while since I had a customer! And it's a woman at that~" he said in a. . . Husky voice

I winced, he is handsome, but he seems like a playboy. . . Gosh dang it.

"Are you here to have a tailored robe for your father?" He asked "brother?"

I shaked my head "cousin?"




I was about to speak when he turned his head to Jie, he smiled ". . . Or is it for a lover?"

"What? No--"

He suddenly took long strides towards Jie and began inspecting him "hmm. .  A man of humble background, he has looks." He looked at him up and down, but his eyes paused at Jie's. . . "Your from humble background, not too good looking, nothing else I see is special. . . Could it be something big that we cannot see is what interests a rich lady like her?"

I began blushing, I wanted to smack the handsome pervert, but remembering what we came here for and his former background, it really is a no-no thing to do

Although how can a former royal and handsome man like him be so outspoken?!

"W-will you please listen to me?"

"What size?"

I reddened further "You're too outspoken!"

"Outspoken?" He smirked "I was only asking what his size is, his robe I mean." Fvck! I'm beginning to sweat further at this man, he's bot only a pervert but he's also good with words, he made me into a pervert! "My lady, You seem . . . To have thoughts of something."

I couldn't help myself anymore and grabbed the closest item on the shelfs next to me, which is thread roll and threw it at him, He anniyingly evaded it with ease, still witht the smug skile on his face "Oh~ my lady have I offended you somehow?"

I grabbed another roll and threw it at them, again he evaded "my my, such a violent lady." He said holding his hands in his back while still holding a smile on "Do stop, you have bad aim."

"I don't need to have good aim." I said smiling

"Hm?" Curiously hummed, he froze, on his shoulders are Jie's hands, one on each shoulder he was held in place, he's eyes widened and he began struggling "Hey! Let go of me!"

Jie noticed my frustration earlier and had already prepared to hold him in place, it was his bad choice of coming closer to Jie to inspect him that got him in this situation, it's also a plus that his store doors are always closes after each enter, so no one will see me abuse him for a little

I smiled evily as I kept tossing one more thread roles in my hand up and down, seemingly prepared to throw

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