Fade Away | Cal Kestis

Start from the beginning

You groaned as he moved you slightly, an aching in your ribs as your gaze fell onto his worried one. Pale green eyes shined in the soft light of the sun casting its rays upon his face, finding it within yourself to smile through all the pain you were in. You couldn't speak as his non-gloved hand came to your cheek, thumb swiping at the blood coming from your lips as his gaze moved to observe the crimson liquid staining his hand. He swallowed thickly before wiping it on his poncho, returning his gaze to yours as the ghost of a smile graced his scarred face. "You're gonna be fine, you hear me, Y/N? Just fine." He mumbled more so to himself than anything, moving to slide his arms under your knees and around your back to lift you off the ground. One of your arms rested on top of your stomach as the other wrapped around the back of his shoulder mindlessly, your movements slow and numb as your head rested against his shoulder. He glanced down at you wrapped securely in his arms before making his way over to the small opening in the trees, the huge bird like creature was blurry as you gazed at the large animal. You barely felt yourself being lifted into the air and going weightless for a moment as Cal suspended you in the air with the Force to hop onto the bird's neck, before you felt yourself land in someone's lap and arms wrap tightly around you again.

Your eyes fluttered opened and closed as you bordered unconsciousness, feeling the breeze blow through your hair and fingers swipe at the flyaway strands to push them behind your ear. You smiled lightly at Cal's feather light touch, your body growing warm and your heart fluttering in your chest. "Hold on, Y/N, we're almost home." Cal's voice was far away as you allowed your mind to be lulled into unconsciousness, your body going limp in Cal's arms. The last thing you heard before the darkness took hold of you was a worried voice, numbly feeling a hand come up to cup your cheek.



Your eyelashes fluttered across your cheeks when you came to, the aching in your ribs returning ten times worse as you groaned lightly. Your head throbbed in your skull as the bright light above your bed greeted you, blinding you momentarily as you squeezed your eyes shut again. You tried again and blinked rapidly to let your eyes adjust, the ceiling of the small medical bed on the Mantis registering in your mind as you stared up at it. It was cold in the room, your body covered in a thick blanket kept most of the heat in thankfully but your shoulders and collarbone was exposed, the tank top you were in doing nothing to keep the exposed skin warm. You glanced around the small room, seeing a table with a bottle of pills and a glass of water resting for when you woke up, and your jacket thrown over a chair in the corner with your shoes next to it. You could see that your jacket had been washed free from the mud from where you lay, a small smile crossing your face when you realized Cere probably spent forever scrubbing the thing. You slowly moved your hand t your waist and felt a bandage wrapped around you through your top, your eyes blinking as you recalled the fight on Kashyyyk with the Ninth Sister, and Cal carrying you in his arms all the way back to the Mantis.

The thought was enough to make you at least try to sit up, failing once but trying again and succeeding though not without a load of pain, reaching to the bedside table for the bottle of painkillers and popping the bottle open. You took two and swung them back and swallowed them with the water, guzzling the whole glass when you realized just how thirsty you were. You set the glass back on the table with a small thud, sighing loudly before throwing back the cover and swinging your legs over the side of the bed. Your toes touched the cool floor as you inhaled sharply through your teeth at how chilly it was, before swallowing your fears and touching your feet to the ground as you stood up off the bed. You swayed on your feet for a moment as the blood rushed to your head, but regained your balance as your hair fell in your face when you looked down to your feet. A hand raised to feel the silky strands between your fingers, someone must have kept your hair washed while you were asleep since the last thing you remembered of your hair was how mud caked the strands.

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