Before You Go | Obi-Wan Kenobi

Start from the beginning

The wind gently blew the thin material of the dress around your feet and the cape puffed up into the air behind you, letting out a sigh as you admired the skyline of the capitol city of Theed. You could hear the balcony doors open and close behind you, knowing it was Obi-Wan from his familiar Force signature. "Do you think Qui-Gon would have liked this?" You voiced as you didn't turn to look at him and kept your gaze on the skyline, hearing his footsteps grow closer as he moved to stand beside you and lean against the railing as well. "He seemed like the type of person who wouldn't have liked all the attention, but also wouldn't mind all the people, you know?" You continued when he didn't say anything, your mind replaying memories of a younger you and Qui-Gon as you fought back tears. "He hated gatherings like this." Obi-Wan spoke after a moment of silence, neither of you looking away from the view of the buildings and the clouds blowing across the sky. "He used to say how much he despised attending these things. He would always grumble about having to fake a smile all night as he talked with politicians." That brought a smile to your face as you pictured a frustrated Qui-Gon speaking to an over talkative senator, nodding along to whatever he said but slowly dying on the inside.

"I don't blame him, I didn't want to come to this thing anyway but Padme forced me." You chuckled as your eyes twinkled with the memory of your old friend, seeing Obi-Wan finally turn to look at you for the first time since he joined you out here. "I'm glad she did." He smiled sheepishly, your cheeks tinting pink as you glanced at him before scoffing and brushing his comment off. "You look beautiful, the dress suites you." He seemed to hesitate before complimenting you further, your head snapping to the side as your eyes met his stormy blue ones. "You don't look too bad yourself, Kenobi." You teased as you bumped shoulders with him, the both of you chuckling and your cheeks tinting pink as you both looked away again. You both fell into a comfortable silence as it was just the two of you and the far away sounds of the city, the sun starting to set in the distance and the moon beginning its ascent as dusk quickly approached. It got cooler and cooler as the sun set, the warmth of it growing dimmer as the wind still remained. A particularly cool breeze blew through your open sleeves and you shivered, wrapping your arms around yourself as you tried to keep warm.

You saw Obi-Wan move out of the corner of your eye before turning to see he was slipping out of his cloak, leaving him in his off white robes before moving to wrap the brown material over your shoulders. "Oh, Obi-Wan, you don't have to do that. I'm fine." You tried to reel back but he wasn't having it, pulling a face as he moved to bring the cloak around your shoulders, his hands holding the material above your sternum. "You don't need to worry about me, I'll live." His voice was low as you gazed up at him through your lashes, only just now noticing your bodies were only inches apart from touching, your heart racing when he didn't step back. One of his hands came to brush the hair away from your temple, fingertips grazing your skin and you almost closed your eyes at how soft his touch was. But you refrained and never looked away from his gaze, blue eyes twinkling in the dim lighting as his face was bathed in the rich moonlight. Your eyes scanned over his face as you memorized every detail, from the tiny specks of green flecks in his eyes to the small mole on his forehead. He was perfectly imperfect and he was so close to you, you couldn't help it when your face moved forward to press your lips to his.

But you didn't get very far. "Y/N." Obi-Wan stopped you from getting to close as your eyes fluttered open again, stomach dropping as rejection clouded your mind. You pulled back enough to where you could see his eyes gloss over with guilt as he gulped visibly, Adam's apple bobbing up and down. "You, I thought, what?" You stammered over your words as your eyes brimmed with tears, he couldn't be letting you on after all that. He seemed to hesitate as he tried to choose his next words very carefully, not wanting to push you away and yet not wanting to break the Jedi code either. "You don't want to kiss me?" You meekly whispered as the first tear escaped and tumbled down your rosy cheek, his gaze snapping to yours as he stumbled out words. "No! No, believe me, Y/N. I do, I have for a long time." He panicked at first but broke out into a smile, his hands coming up to cup your cheeks as your eyes widened at his statement, feeling more confused than ever.

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