In This Moment | Obi-Wan Kenobi

Start from the beginning

"Master L/N, you will learn your place. Anakin, the Council has made its final decision, you can either accept it and take a seat or don't." Mace Windu cut off your argument and turned his attention to Anakin, your teeth grinding together as the muscle in your jaw twitched from how angry you were. How dare they? "Thank you, Master Windu." Anakin's voice was low as he kept his gaze on the floor, moving to sit beside you and having no intention to look up and make eye contact with anyone. Your eyes burned with rage as your hands clenched into fists, feeling Obi-Wan reach out to you through the Force in your mind. Y/N, calm down. He spoke into your mind and you almost scoffed out loud, your blood boiling in your veins as you tuned out the rest of the Council meeting. He had to be joking, he wanted you to calm down at how his old padawan was being treated?

Your gaze slowly drifted to his, seeing his pleading eyes stare into yours as he barely nodded his head 'no' at you. All you could do was glare at him silently, hands almost shaking from how mad you were. Y/N, don't do anything rash. I hate it too, but we must- You cut him off from your mind as your empty gaze turned to look at the floor in front of you, feeling the frustration radiating off Obi-Wan as he must have figured out you cut him off. Your blood boiled under your skin and the longer you sat there the angrier you got, you could only pray to the Force that this meeting was almost over, you had to get out of there before you went off on everyone. "With that being said, this Council meeting is adjourned." Mace Windu's voice broke through your murderous thoughts, all the Council members standing up at their seat and waiting for Windu to leave before filing out behind him.

Your gaze turned to Anakin, seeing him sigh through his nose before glancing over at you, giving him a guilty look before his stare was too much for you to handle and you looked away. Obi-Wan's eyes bore into the side of your face as Windu finally left the room, Yoda following behind him and a few other masters following suit. You took that as your cue to leave, practically taking off on your feet as you bolted across the room to your escape. "Y/N," Obi-Wan reached out for you but you barely gave him the time of day as you kept walking, throwing a "Stay away from me," over your shoulder before taking off out the door and down the hall. You practically booked it through the temple and towards your room, unluckily enough it was right next to Obi-Wan's, but you didn't care as you threw the door open and slammed it behind you. You huffed as you threw your cloak off and onto the bed carelessly, tossing your lightsaber down beside it as you paced the room.

Suddenly, your door swung open, scaring you half to death as Obi-Wan came barreling into the room and closed the door behind him. "Get out." He barely got the chance to utter a word before you snapped at him, watching as his eyebrows furrowed and his blue eyes clouded over with anger. "Y/N, listen to me," He attempted to speak as his hands raised in mock surrender, your eyes burning with fury as you glared at him. You had never been this angry with him, but then again he had always been on your side with everything you had ever done. "Obi-Wan, I said get out." Your index finger pointed towards the door before you turned away from him, focusing on fixing the books on your desk as you attempted to busy yourself. But he didn't give up, instead opting to take a step closer to you as he stumbled out excuses. "Y/N, you can't possibly be mad at me. What would you have had me do?" He snappily spoke as you fiddled with stray papers on your desk, opening your drawer to stuff them into it before slamming it loudly upon hearing his horrible excuse slip from his lips.

"Are you kidding me? Oh, I don't know, maybe you could have stuck up for your padawan?" You practically seethed as you turned around to face him in your blaze of fury, eyes wide as you gaped at him. He looked taken aback but quickly recovered, blue eyes fiery with anger you had never seen come from Obi-Wan before. "And what, get myself kicked off the Council? Y/N, you're lucky they didn't punish you for speaking out of turn." He quickly spoke as you rolled your eyes dramatically, thoughts running rampant and your stomach twisting and turning. You had never argued this much with Obi-Wan, this was your first real fight if you remembered correctly and it sucked, but you couldn't find it in yourself to care at the moment. "And what was that back there?" He continued as you busied yourself with picking up the books on your desk and walking over to your bookshelf, putting the novels away as you tried to ignore his question.

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