Chapter 29

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The hakwon ended like usual. Jiwoo was doing some scoring for the mock tests earlier.

Until her head felt numb for a minute. She felt it was ringing, with an immense pain. Her chest also felt like burning.

She dropped her pen.

"Jiwoo-ssem, are you okay?" One of her coworkers asked her.

Then it passed away just like that. She turned to look at her coworker. "I'm okay, just a bit tired, I guess..."

"You should go home early."

"Should I?"

"Jeon Jiwoo!" A familiar motorbike stopped in front of her but the voice didn't match with Youngho's. The driver lifted the helmet's visor up. It was Yuta. "Youngho lent me his bike."

"He did?" She wondered. "I haven't seen him for a while. Is he okay?"

"Well... 'okay' is not the right word... but he's away from troubles now, I guess." He handed her the other helmet. "Get on. I'll drive you home."

"What about Wonwoo? Is he doing okay with his band? He's been all smiling at home." Jiwoo hopped on the bike and put on the helmet. "I think he has a crush on our neighbour downstairs."

"He does? That's new." He turned on the engine and started to speed up. "How is it, now that he's home again?"

"It's nice. I get to eat regularly."

"That's nice to hear..."

"When is your showcase again?"

"In two days. 9 pm. I'll text you the venue."

Jiwoo hesitated before hugging his waist.

"Rough day at work?" Yuta couldn't help but smile feeling her arms around his waist.

"Not really..." She somehow felt sleepy. "I'm going to sleep. Don't drive too fast."


And Jiwoo shut her eyes, resting her head on the back of his shoulder.

Yuta turned off the engine. As much as he hated to be separated with her, he had to wake her up so she could sleep properly on her bed.

"Jeon Jiwoo, we're here." He shrugged his shoulders to wake her up. "Jeon Jiwoo princess-nim... you can't sleep outside..." He caressed her hands hoping it would wake her.

Wonwoo got out of the flat building and was on his way to the minimart. He spotted Yuta and his sister. "Oh? What happened to her?"

"She's sleeping. I can't wake her up."

"Ehey, more like you're liking the hug..." Wonwoo raised his eyebrow at Yuta after finding out Jiwoo was hugging him. He then tapped her shoulder. "Noona, wake up."

"She must be really tired..." Yuta said.

"Noona, wake up. Noona-" Wonwoo felt something was wrong when he tapped her shoulder. "Hyung..."


"Why it looks like she isn't breathing??"

Wonwoo kept holding Jiwoo's hands in the ambulance. He hoped that she would wake up soon. "Noona..."

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