Note from the Author

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The Princess of Wrath is a dark fantasy story in which we witness the life of Princess Asura Ithryl, heir to the throne of the Empire, starting from the fateful night in which a terrible curse that her family inherited for generations awakened in her. 

The story encompasses other genres such as romance, LGBTQ, adventure and mystery. Due to the content of explicit violence and mild sex, it is rated "Mature".

Chapters  are divided into several parts since these are relatively long, and I try to make these parts range between the lengths of 2000 to 5000 words each. Reading at normal speed, 2000 words are equivalent to 8 minutes of reading and 5000 words are equivalent to 20 minutes, approximately. That is why I advise you to take into account the time available you've to read, and not to compromise your visual health by spending a lot of time looking at the computer screen or cell phone.

Keep in mind that I use italic type of font between quotation marks when Asura is thinking.

In the story's world, a year is divided into 10 months (or cycles) with 45 days each.

I will add other details here if necessary. Without further ado, enjoy and please know that any feedback is always appreciated!


About the cover art: it's not mine, and I tried to find the artist for days to formally apply for permission to use his/her art but I was unsuccessful in my search. However, it doesn't appear to be copyrighted with a name or watermark so, apart from being in a free domain, I assumed it was available for free use. If by chance the artist reads this, please let me know if you want me to change the cover.

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