11. What I like about you

Start from the beginning

Shit, he left it here - I thought and I gripped the device. I knew it well from before, it had a Riva black case - Oh, such a good boy, always with the sponsors.

The ringing stopped, but it started again soon, and Pierre Gasly's name appeared on the screen.

I frowned. I knew they are friends, but it was strange to call your fellow driver so early in the morning. Anyway I silenced the call, and went on with my reading.

After another minute a new message appeared on the phone. I really didn't want to read it, but I couldn't stop myself from taking a peek.

It was from Pierre.

Clara, please bring my phone with you to the circuit, I really need it.

Suddenly I understood. It was probably Charles calling from Pierre's phone, since he knew I'm still here so I can bring the phone to him.

Of course, he can't send his assistant for it, she would find me. But if I bring it, we have to meet, and risk to be seen.


I sighed and grabbed the phone anyway. I shoved it deep in my pocket, and left the room.

It was late enough to not be seen by any of the Formula 1 personnel, well at least not be seen leaving Leclerc's room.

As I arrived to the paddock, it was the first time ever when I actually wanted to find Charles and not hiding from him.

I didn't dare to go directly to the Ferrari Motorhome of course, neither call back Gasly to have the phone. I haven't seen him anywhere, so I decided to go to the Energy Station, and wait for a better idea to pop in my head.

The first was my uncle I saw. He was tense, and was drinking a big mug of coffee.

"'Morning Christian," I greeted him.

"Hi Clara," he said. "It's good to see you," he eased. "What are you up to?"

I just want to give this damn phone back to Leclerc - I thought, but instead I said,

"Well, I'm enjoying the sunshine, feels like spring," Good old weather talk. We are British, after all.

After some more small talk, I left him on to his engineers. On my way to the medical office, I met Daniel and Michael. They were clearly on their way to the garage, and I didn't want to bother, so I just stepped aside, leaning to the wall to let them through. However, both of them stopped.

"Hey guys," I smiled at them. "Good luck, Dan," I added, looking at the Australian.

"Thanks, Clara," he said, and smiled. Shortly, an awkward silence fell between the three of us.

Michael suddenly slapped his forehead.

"Gee, I forgot my sunglasses in the room," he exclaimed, and turned to go back where they came from.

I looked in the direction he disappeared, and then back to Daniel. He didn't say anything, he was just looking at me with his ever bright eyes.

After some really long seconds, he cleared his throat.

"You look so bright today," he said and literally inspected every inch of my body with his eyes. I felt some hotness flow through my chest and neck, arrive to my face to turn me into a walking tomato.

"What's different?" He asked interested.

"Oh, nothing," I mumbled, and tried hard not to think back to my much satisfying night with his fellow driver. "I'm not different."

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