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An Extravagant Carriage

"Any plans today, my flower," Mr Bates asked looking upon his daughter who sat across from him, sipping on tea and reading a book.

"Mmm, no. Perhaps, I'll visit Nan, in the evening," She murmured her attention solely on ink-filled pages.

Their morning was calm and the pair ate breakfast leisurely. Camellia sat in her armchair, dressed in a simple white dress with her brown waves freely cascading, framing her face. The only noises that filled the room were the crackles of the fireplace; the occasional turning of a page and her father's rumbling snores.

"Lia! Lia!"

Mr Bates jumped out of his seat, his peaceful doze cruelly interrupted.

"In heavens name-!" His white stuck out in out ends as his head spun wildly from side to side.

"Calm yourself, father," Camellia stood up from her seat, "It's only our dear friend Lucia."

"Ah," He instantly relaxed and rested back in his chair, his eyelids falling heavily down once again.

Camellia placed her book on the mantelpiece just in time to see her eccentric friends rush through the door. Her shawl still wrapped tightly around her shoulders and her nose red from the outside cold, she ran and embraced Camellia in a tight hug.

"Oh, Lia! You'll never guess!" Lucia pulled back and grabbed her by the shoulders.

"I never do."

Unable to hold in her excitement, the squealed out the news

"The King is coming today!"

Startled, her father woke up once again.

"What? Really?"

Lucia grinned, corners of her mouth reaching her ears. She began jumping up and down and she spun the two of them around.

"Oh, There's so much to do!" She cried happily "We must buy a new dress."

"Lucia I have plenty of dresses." Camellia pointed out, laughing

"Not fit for a King!" She countered seriously.

"Weren't you the one spread rumours of his future tyrannical reign along with his gruesome nighttime hobbies."

Lucia waved off Camellia's points, seemingly more focused on the dresses.

"That's the past. Oh, I wonder if he's handsome?" She giggled to herself, her pale cheeks immediately reddening.

"He's King, Lucia. If had warts and scars he'd still be the most attractive man," Camellia laughed knowing her friend's interest only went as far as depth of a man's pocket.

"Well if I can't make money, I'll have to take it," Lucia crossed her arms stubbornly.

"My flower, in my study there's a pouch of coins," Her father interrupted the conversation, lazily pointing down the hall.

"Oh how fortunate!"

"Yes. Fortunate," Camellia's face dropped as she watched her father smile slyly as his gaze purposefully focused on the newspaper in his hands.

Much to Lucia's delight - but Camellia's displeasure - the two rushed to market (well, one of them rushed; the other was dragged). The blonde spent hours making sure to pick the 'perfect' dress.


"Green is not my colour."

"Too plain!"

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