Hedgehog Murderer

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Lia, Liam, and Sydney sit on the couch in pure boredom

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Lia, Liam, and Sydney sit on the couch in pure boredom. "Now what do you wanna do?" Sydney asks as Liam pets Banana, their hedgehog. Lia yawns.

"I don't know. I was sorta thinkin'...." He pauses, turning to look at her. "What?" She grins. "We could maybe, Uh.... do a puzzle?" He asks hesitantly.

Neither child had even touched a puzzle since their father's suicide. Ignoring the fact that they're in the basement, where the deed had been committed, they had also been one of their favourite things to do with their dad.

"Is there really nothing else you wanna do?" Lia asks, attempting to change the subject. "Cartoons?" Sydney suggests. "Prank call the neighbors?" Lia adds.

"You know, Ms. Johnson is really nice. That's kinda mean." Liam states. "Yeah, I guess." Lia shrugs, glancing back at Sydney. Sydney nods. "Okay. Hang tight." She says as she gets up.

"Syd, do you need me to come with you?" Lia asks. "No. It's fine." She shakes her head, making her way downstairs.

"Liam, how could you be so stupid?" She whispers, slapping his shoulder. "What?" He questions. "The basement. No one wants to go down there. You know why." Lia responds. "Sorry.. I just..." He sighs.

Suddenly, the ground begins to shake, causing Lia to take Liam's arm. "What's going on?" Liam asks fearfully. "Earthquake?" Lia mutters.

Liam screams, catching his sister's attention once more. "What is it?" She asks worriedly. "Are you hurt?" Lia grabs his face, examining it carefully before he slaps her arm away.

"It's banana." He says, motioning towards the petrified creature. "Shit... is he.." She grazes her finger over his fur.

"Dead." The boy sniffles. "Guys, are you okay? What happened?" Sydney asks as she barges up the stairs. "It's Banana" Liam says.

"I— I think he's..." He trails off. "Shit.. how did it— happen?" Sydney asks, quickly eyeing Lia. "I don't know! He just— died." The boy responds tearfully.

"Hey, we can have a funeral for him, right? Go wear something black. I'll go get a box. Syd, you're coming with me." Lia gets up, grabbing her sister's arm and pulling her into the hallway.

"The earthquake, was that you?" She asks. "You felt that?" Sydney sighs. "Yeah. And I think you killed the fucking hedgehog." Lia whispers.

"I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I don't even know how to control it!" Sydney argues. "I know. But you're gonna have to make it up to Liam. That was one of his only friends." Lia shakes her head, walking off into her room to get a box and change.

The three Novaks walk out to their backyard along with a box, then dig up the small hole. Liam carefully places the Hedgehog inside, then looks to his sisters.

"How old do you think Banana was? In, like, hedgehog years?" He inquires. "Super old, man." Sydney lies. "Yeah, like fuckin' yoda or something." Lia nods. "Really?" Liam asks.



"Could you two say a few words? I'm too sad." Liam sighs. "Uh...Banana...you were very cute." Sydney states as Liam holds in a cry. "So much fun." Lia speaks up.

"We all love you." Sydney concludes. "Do you think that, um... Banana...is with Dad now?" Liam asks, causing Lia to quickly wrap an arm around him.

"Yeah, Bud. Dad'll take good care of him." She smiles. "I just..." Sydney begins. "I wish I was there for you at the end." She continues, speaking down to the box.

"Had we known that you... needed help, we would have given it to you. This just isn't fair. You're gone now, and there's nothing we can do about it. We all miss you s— so much. Everything's so different without you around." She exhales.

"Damn, Syd. Didn't know you cared so much about Banana." Lia says, trying to lighten the mood, although she knew exactly who Sydney was directing her words to.

Sydney looks up at her with an unamused look. "Sorry. I'll shut up." The girl sighs. Liam sniffles, wiping away a tear. A few moments later, Sydney runs off.

"Hey, Syd. Hold on." Lia calls, immediately following after her and entering her sister's room.

The two of them take a seat on her bed. "Syd, Im sorry. I'm such an asshole." Lia apologizes. "No, Lee. It's not you. It's just—when does this get easier?" Sydney sighs.

"I don't think it ever will, Syd." Lia responds. Sydney runs a shaky hand through her short hair, before noticing that the objects in her room had begun to float up into the air.

"Shit.." Lia's mouth hangs open. Sydney turns around, causing the objects to fall down.

"We're fucking screwed, aren't we?"


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