Lessons in session

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Harry woke up in his pyjamas with his glasses off and his earphones out, but that wasn't the weirdest part, he woke up in his warm green bed. The curtains drawn around him, the sound of people talking gave a comforting sense in the room, his curtains were drawn to the round face of crabbe,
             "Wake up Harry, wouldn't want to miss the meal" said crabbe in an unusually friendly voice,
          "Wait- what? Why are you being nice as well?"Harry questioned, he looked up to the idiotic boy,
         "Well you're a Slytherin now aren't you? So it kind of means that we have to respect you, in the Slytherin pact",he replied,"so get up" punching the raven haired boys arm. Harry sat up, rubbing his eyes and trying to pull him self together; he grabbed his glasses and put them on, picking up his clothes and running to the bathroom to change, as he didn't feel quite comfortable changing around the other boys. He got changed in a stall being careful not to cause any damage, he was pondering about who had took him upstairs when he vividly remembers falling asleep on the couch. Whoever this person was, Harry thanked him, because if they didn't move him he'd definitely have a sore neck and back. Once finished, he brushed his teeth and then left the desolate bathroom, closing the white door, his small feet crossed the dark wood floors to go down to the common room. He was met by the cold faces of the Slytherins, which did not make sense to him as they seemed so nice to him before. Maybe it was something to do with his hair? Or his face? Something just didn't sit right with him,
            "You're hair is all messed up!" Shouted Pansy, she stormed towards him a comb held in her hand adorned with tiger stripes,
            "I like it like this though!" He strained back, his body was trying to face away from the agressive girl pulling at his hair to try and tame it,
    "Could I please get some help?"she shouted, a chorus of 'yes ma'am' rang out across the room. All students took a part in trying to tame Harry's hair to make him the tad bit presentable. They struggled and struggled until a tall boy emerged,
     "What the fuck is going on here?" They screamed, 'finally' Harry thought 'someone is here to save me' he turned to see malfoy standing high his face scrunched up in anger,
      "We're trying to sort Harry's hair" pansy said, the other slytherins nodding with her,
      "Did you ever think to ask him for permission" he said authoritatively,
      "What does it matter to you?" Harry spoke, "what if I want them to style my hair?". Malfoy just stood dead, rolled his eyes and walked out.
After a few minutes they were finally done, they had styled Harry's unruly hair, they had slicked up the sides and left the top a bit unkempt. They had made him look in the mirror before he step foot out of the portrait. His face had morphed into an expression of surprise, his hair had never looked so nice or tidy like this. He had never felt more confident as he stepped through the portrait, he walked down the corridor a bounce in his foot step. He was going to meet Hermione and Ron near the dining hall, at the night of the resorting he had been to overcome by emotions to form a complete sentence to talk to them both. He bounded his way down to the spot where he, hermione and ron had planned to meet, the halls were unusually silent so he must've been early; even though crabbe had told him that he might miss the meal 'that bastard' he thought. He was disrupted in his walk by the tall, blonde, frankly handsome- 'don't think that' he said to himself,
          "ah potter, so excited for the meal that you decided to go a bit earlier huh?" Malfoy spoke trying to keep up his crude demeanour,
          "yes actually, i was hoping that i wouldn't see you" he came back at him, malfoy was stood staring at his hair, harry didn't know if it was because of the height difference or because the silver streak of hair had become thicker, they stood in silence. To harry it didn't even feel that uncomfortable, he felt a sense of safety in the blonde boy but that was soon broken as malfoy spoke in a rude tone,
"you're just going to stand here and stare at me ? i get that i'm hot but i didn't think you swung that way potter" he said in a joking tone, this remark had made harry flush a crimson colour,
"me? like you? hah don't be ridiculous" the short boy said as he flew past malfoy trying to hide his embarrassment, he continued to walk to the spot whilst his head was fighting off thoughts that he might be attracted to malfoy. these thoughts were soon interrupted by a male and female voice shouting his name,
"harry over here !" the newly ravenclaw shouted, harry smiled it was refreshing to see his two best friends,
" your streak has gotten even bigger !maybe it's the soulmates mark ?" hermione said, 'the soulmates mark?' harry thought,
"what the bloody hells a soulmates mark ?" Ron asked whilst laughing,
"it's serious ron ! the soulmates mark shows up on your body when you're around 16, this mark was a defect that has been found in many magical folk, so this means that not everyone has it, the soulmates mark is usually a defining feature of the soulmate" she informed, her face was showing a slight smirk as she explained this to the boys. Ron's faced was scrunched up in thought when he finally realised something,
"oh !so that means that~" his sentence was interrupted by hermione covering his mouth, "ouch" he winced, 'what are they on about?' harry thought as he showed a confused expression to the two,
"what happened to your hair harry ?" hermione laughed as she touched the slicked back hair,
"you don't like it ?" harry questioned, she shook her head and proceeded to say it looked fine but isn't as nice as his natural hair. The trio continued down the hall towards the great hall, after their breakfast they knew that they would get their new timetables. they all hoped that they would be in the same classes together even though it was quite unlikely.
They arrived at the dinner hall seeing that they must've stopped to talk for a while as they saw that the hall was nearly full, they all parted their ways to their collective houses. But to harry's demise the only seat left was opposite draco, he defectively sat down and was greeted by pansy, he was on good terms with pansy as they had never really talked too much. he ate breakfast as usual without any interruptions but he couldn't help but to glimpse at draco and catch him staring at him. What did he want ?harry was starting to get annoyed by the blondes piercing eyes looking at him, but he decided not to say anything because he ,for some reason, enjoyed the attention; even if it was his sworn enemy. Once everyone in the hall had finished their breakfast, their timetables were distributed. Harry couldn't bare to look at his timetable and see what he had, today he had CMC, double potions, DADA, and charms. Overall it wasn't too bad of a day, although he did have double potions with Snape which he dreaded. even if he was a slytherin harry despised Snape, after how he still treats his father and his weird infatuation he couldn't stand the bloke. But it might be bearable as Ron would be accompanying him,
"what have you got potter ?" he heard draco speak, but this time he seemed nervous to talk to harry,
" oh i have, care of magical creatures, double potions" he winced and saw malfoy smile at his reaction, "defence against the dark arts and charms, so a boring day to say the least" he finished," what do you have ?" he kicked himself mentally for speaking to Dra- Malfoy so nicely,
"I have the same as you, so we must have the same timetable" he spoke, he gestured his hand in a way to tell harry to hand over his, harry obliged and passed the piece of paper and blushed when he felt dracos hand brush his,
"yeah we do have the same," malfoys deep voice spoke,"maybe we could walk together?" he asked but seemed to regret after saying something, he looked over to hermione and bit his lip, she mouthed "do it!" and stuck her two fingers up,
"s-sure i don't see why not" he said nervously as he turned his vision away from malfoy,
"cool, we should probably start going now" the blonde said failing terribly at trying to keep his cool, Harry submissively got up and started to walk with draco to his next lesson 'why am i acting like this?' he asked him self. the walk to his class felt calm and he didn't feel the need to fill the silence as it didn't feel awkward.

A/N hey !! i'm sorry that i've left a lot of you in the dark T^T i just haven't really been motivated to write some more of this story, but i'm really proud of this chapter !! i really hope that you all like it pls tell me what you thought abt it !:D

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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