Hagrids class

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A/N you know what fuck all this bullshit, no more fucking innocence. Y'all getting the proper Drarry, sit down because this is gonna be one hell of a ride. lmao it's not even that bad it's just, just read
I hastily made my way to the 'bathroom' spinning my head around occasionally to see if any teachers were around, as I know many like to patrol the corridors when classes are in session. Well you know what take out that first part, I am making my way to the bathrooms just not to do my business. Well if Harry counts as business then, yes I am. I was too distracted that I did not realise I had passed the abandoned toilets, the big, shiny oak door was open; evident that someone had already walked in. I stepped into the room my leather shoes clicking off the marble floor, all doors to the lavatories where open. And there I saw him, striding out of an empty stall swaying his hips for added effect. Fuck he was hot, his body was fit for an angel; his black pants hung pleasantly at his hips; his top button undone but covered by his emerald green tie that matched his beautiful eyes, I was snapped out of my observation by his action of a finger beckoning me over to him, I did as he wanted. I walked to the opposite side of the room standing in front of him, his arms wrapped around my neck and started to kiss me; it was sweet yet passionate, our lips moulded together like two pieces of a jigsaw set. It didn't faze me what was happening until I started to loose my breath I had to pull away,
"Told you this would be better than some boring lesson" he said breathlessly, drawing in closing the gap between us. Our lips touch the soft feeling of skin intwined in mine, the burning feeling spread over my body. It deepened and it deepened my hands started to roam around his body while his stood ajar at my neck, they finally stopped at his arse. A few minutes later I moved to his neck leaving marks everywhere until I found the spot, it was located right in the crook of his neck. Fuck, the sound that came out of his mouth was EXQUISITE that's gonna leave a problem,
        "Draco" He said, begging for more. Was he ready? Was he just caught up in the moment? I don't know if we should I mean we're only 14, and in third year, is that morally right? I looked down at him,
"Yes"I asked in a hushed voice, keeping tight grip of him,
"I want more" he seductively said, I shook my head. My disgust settling in, me kissing a boy and thinking I liked him,
        "Puff" I said, fixing a snarl on my face. He just gagged,
        "A puff? Even if I was a one I certainly would not be kissing you" He said giving me a dirty look, he just walked away slamming the door behind him. Dickhead, trying to get me to turn into a puff. Just wait until my father hears- maybe it's best that he doesn't hear about this situation. Anyways, I ran out the door to our lesson so that it doesn't make any suspicions. Pansy probably has but ah well. Time to go back to the old terms, and by that I mean taking the mick out of him.
                        As I made my way back to Hagrid's hut I saw a monstrous beast, it towered over the few surrounding it. Hagrid had a run down of what to do and what not to do, apparently they acted like humans? At least that's what I caught, he mightn't have directly said it but that's what I'm assuming. He said not to make fun of them,
        "Don't make me laugh. How are they going to know what you said?" I interrupted, some students glowered at me, mostly the ones who like this oaf. He just gave me a questioning look but got straight back to talking, my mind just didn't pick anything thing up until I heard him thunder,
       "Any volunteers?" His eyes scanned the crowds, trying to find a friendly face to pick on,
       "Harry" He said cheerfully, his hand gestured him to come up to the front. Harry , being the gryffindork he is, did not oblige; he wearily made his way to the front, stopping to take a bow. The beast accepted his curtsy and let him climb onto his back. Maybe it's just me being cynical, but I do not trust the three of them, it's just made for disaster. I looked over to Pansy to comment on how ridiculous this whole thing was only to see she was giving googly eyes to Granger. Holy fuck why can't they just confess. As Harry came back, I had to step up to the podium and try to out do him. I made fun of the bird a bit looking over to my Slytherin friends but getting a look of dissatisfaction from the golden boy, fuck that boy can do some things. I know I'm only 13 but fuck I would fuck him right here right now. I was struck out of my ,almost, wet dream by a stinging sensation in my right arm. My only move was to be as dramatic as possible, so I dropped to the floor and screamed,
        "It's killed me, it's killed me" for added affect I rolled around on the floor getting my robes dirty I climbed onto my arm as I made my way to Madame pomfrey to get some potions to help my deal with the pain.
I was lying down in my hospital bed dozing away, when a certain boy came striding in towards me. He caught my eye and ran to me,
        "You stupid git. What the fuck did you think you were doing?" He said looking frustrated, I grinned finding it cute when he was angry,
        "Trying to get out of lesson, and an excuse to fire that oaf" I replied thinking I'd get a laugh out of Harry, but the room was just silent I saw a tear fall down his face. I sat up as quick as possible without hurting my arm and wiped his tear away,
        "I'm sorry" I said quickly
        "I'm so so so so sorry"this time I grabbed his face and kissed from his chin to his temple. A small smile spread across a faintly rosey cheeks.

A/N I'm so sorry about posting I've just never been bothered lol syke motherfuckers you thought I would have an excuse but I don't Well I mean. Keeping care of my beauty is a task so that's a good excuse

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