Return to hogwarts

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It was a few days since Harry ran away, these three days consisted of food and lots of it and a decent nights sleep. He timed his departure of the Dursley's just perfectly, this was because he didn't have that much time to wait, in his second day of being out in the wizard of world without guidance he shopped for his new items in diagon ally. They weren't that exciting (to him anyway) they were only books and a cauldron.
This was the day he could meet his best friends again, as the other people call it "the golden trio", hermione and Ron. They were all like siblings they all loved each other unconditionally no matter what, they would always stick up for each other and fight battles together. This was the day Harry could be happy; far away from the Dursley's and on the train to hogwarts, this was his third year and the year he can go to hogsmeade. 'Shit' Harry thought, he hasn't got a signature for his letter; maybe he could forge it or even get mrs Weasley to sign it, she was already a mother figure to Harry, she's took more care of her than his actual 'family'.
He finally arrived at the station after the drag of anticipation of meeting his friends again. His feet sped up, his trolly nearly burning the ground with the speed of his run. He spotted the flaming red of the Weasley family and the frizzy hair of hermione. He made his way through the bustling crowed accidentally bumping into a few people before he met the lovable, pure-blood Weasley family.
"Hello, Harry!" Mrs Weasley said
"Morning, Molly. How are you?" Harry asked. He has always been polite to every peer, no matter what.
"I'm fine, dear. How are you?" She asked kindly.
"It's been an eventful week." He chuckled.
They shared a hug and Harry got a hand shake from Arthur. The golden trio shared a hug before they ran onto the train after saying their goodbyes.
They made their way through the crowd finding an empty space. Well, almost. There was a teacher that was asleep, he must be new because none of them had seen him before. He had some scars across his face; he had a brown suit on and his hair was a mousey brown, but no other features were prominent as he was covered by his big black coat. They took a seat anyway because it was the only one spare.
Just as they settled down, The lights shut off; the train shook; a hand with long fingers latched onto the door; it slid open, there was a tall dark figure floating.
The screams of a women ran through Harry's mind pleading for him not to be killed. It was his mum, pleading for Voldemort not to kill Harry, she was fighting for her life. The dark engulfed him. As Harry was unconscious, the professor stood up and cast a spell to make the figure go away.
Harry's eyesight started to come back. The proffered was stood over him,
"Have this" he ordered, holding a bar of chocolate. Harry took a bite, he instantly felt better, he took a seat.
"Thank you, what was that?"he questioned. The professor explained what it was while harry took a seat, feeling quite embarrassed you passing out.
            The journey felt like days, but alas they arrived they all got changed into their robes. Ready for the resorting of hogwarts hopefully everyone stayed in the same house, The trio couldn't imagine being separated. They were walking up the path when Harry bumped into Draco.
     "Watch where you're going, Potter." He said
With a glare in his eyes, watching Ron and Hermione. He looked as if he was jealous, he snorted, "I guess you're still hanging out with the weasel and mud-blood."
    "Yes I am, and if you have a problem go rant to your father, and they do have proper names you know" Harry said rolling his eyes as he started to walk to the great hall. But a hand stopped him, the grip telling him to stay.
    " you ok, Harold?" Ron questioned, looking a bit confused and worried.
    "Yes, I'm ok just wait for me in the great hall" he said calmly. He turned around to meet the gaze of the person attached to the hand grasping him, it was malfoy. What did he want?
    "What do you want, Malfoy?" He asked sharply. The look of spite was drained from his face and turned soft.
    "I was-wondering if we could just quit hating each other and be civil, because honestly there's a feeling running through me that isn't right" he said, stuttering on his words; rubbing the back of his head nervously.
    "Sure, it was getting quite old, and may I ask what that feeling is?" He said warily. Malfoys face started to sweat his blue eyes dulled.
    "Just something there that wasn't there before, maybe be feelings or I'm just going mental" Draco chuckled. The smaller boys eyes widened, what was he going to say? He has always been holding his feelings for this bo, that's why he's always been mean.
    "Maybe I like you to" He said with a smirk. This also made a smirk play on the taller boys lips. It was like the whole world stopped and it was just them, it all stopped when Blaise shouted,
    "ooooh, potter has a boyfriend!". Everyone turned around curious of the commotion, the boys blushed and laughed. They walked to the great hall together getting rather odd stares from many students because they rivals of the school, but not anymore.
            They entered the hall separately, sitting at there corresponding table.
     "What did he want?" He asked attentively.
"Nothing much" he answered, giving his attention to his headmaster, albums dumbledoor, it looked like he was ready to give a speech, he tapped on his stand signifying that he was ready to give a speech.
     "Hello, everyone. This year will see many changes, this is because every house is getting resorted, there will be no opinions so what the hat says goes." This earned groans from the crowd. He finished his normal speech, introducing new teachers and sorting the first years.
The time has come, they where getting resorted, what happens with the trio? Why did they need to do this? It was inevitable that hermione would be in ravenclaw and Ron would be in hufflepuff or luck might be on their side and they'll all stay together.

A/N hello, hope this chapter is alright it's 1095 words it isn't many but this is a new thing for me. There will be more words in further chapters and more drarry. But don't be expecting smut, this is a Christian server. But there will be fluff.
~becca xx

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