The scandal

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Draco's POV
I must've fell asleep straight as I hit my pillow as I cannot remember poTTER COMING INTO MY BED AND SLEEPING. I only now this because I woke up to a weird feeling of warmth coming from next to me but ,me being me, I move a lot in my sleep so my hand somehow found a way to potters waist making him a little spoon. What made this situation worst is that his arse was pressed up against me every thing was pressed up against me, me being a teenager, the blood rushed down way. Way. Down, I'm not even fucking gay. You can think a guy is cute, it's probably because he has a womanly figure. That'll be it,
"Potter"I said, shaking him trying to wake him.
"potter!" I shouted, waking him up successfully. He looked confused, his eyes widened as he turned around to face me, he jumped away taking the blanket with him obviously trying to hide something, I turned into a position that would cover my problem,
"What are you hiding, Potter?" I asked, a smirk playing at my lips,
"I would show you, but it wouldn't help your little problem now would it?" He snarkly said back
"How do you know?" I asked my voice going up in pitch, I flung my hand to my chest dramatically,
"It was like a rock, you git. I was obviously going to know, I sometimes wonder if you are gay"
"How the fuck did you get in here anyways?"
"I thought this was my dorm and I fell straight asleep"he said a matter-of-factly, as if it was the most obvious thing somebody has ever said, he just shrugged his shoulders and headed out of the door like nothing happened. Luckily he left the blanket so that I could go back to sleep for a nap.
I woke up around an hour before it was time for breakfast as I had to take time to do my hair and brush my teeth all in all make myself look presentable, my routine started in the shower I jumped into a cold shower to get rid of the elephant in the room ,not to be big headed, but it's pretty big. For my age I'm quite developed, as my father said,
"A Malfoy is always the best, you have to get ready for your inheritance"
What is my inheritance you ask? I honestly can't tell you lmao, I don't know what it is. My father just tells me that I'll get it when I'm older and no other bins to what it is. With my shower out of the way I head on to the sink to sort out my hair, making it look as good as possible. I walked out of my bathroom into my bedroom, I dug around in my wardrobe to find my green and silver robes; I flung them on not really caring how they lay. I walked out of my dorm to see a pissed off Potter standing at my door,
       "What's your problem? Man period?" I sneered trying to keep my profile up of hating him,
       "Well, let's see. Maybe because you falsely said that we fucked?" He said shouting, clearly annoyed,
"I did no such thing", I said offended by that he would say that,
"Tell that to the whole school then, dick head"his voice cracked, tears escaped from his piercing eyes. I've fucked up, but who cares he shouldn't be a pussy about it, he started to pace down the hall. I needed to say something to get back at him,
"Pussy" I shouted to him, cringing at my words. I thought that I would get somewhere with him or even be his friend, he just turned around and laughed it wasn't a happy laugh it was like a laugh somebody done when they were disappointed,
"You know, I was starting to think you would be my friend but I guess I was wrong" he walked down the hallway, making his way to the great hall most likely. I have no chance now, the person who started this will pay.
I sat down at the slytherin table but no Potter was in sight, I looked over to the other tables he was talking with the weasel and mudblood, I just sneered at them. I was most annoyed at Harry for believing them rumours I'd never do that, I do have dignity. Pansy eventually sat down,
"Who started that bloody rumour" I interrogated her, he bony faced showed disappointment,
"Crabbe did, and why do you care your the one who said" she said back, not caring to make eye contact with me,
"You really think I said that?" She nodded "I'm honestly hurt that you think I could be that low and say that" I said, standing up abruptly and making my way over to Crabbe,
"What the bloody hell do you think you're playing at?" My voice echoed across the hall, it all became silent,
"What do you mean?" He said attempting to sound innocent,
"You know what I mean, starting a rumour like that whilst I was asleep?"
We where now both stood, ready to have a brawl. His sausage fingers were clenched up in a ball and his cheeks red with anger, he wasn't armed he must've forgotten his wand. What a dipshit,
"Oh that one? We all know it was true, after all we all new Harry was a man whore" he said, that hit a nerve. Fucking forget magic I'm punching this bloke á la muggle, everything seemed to slow down as my fist collided with his face. He fell onto the floor causing a mini earthquake to hit the hall, gasps were heard all around the hall,
"You should check who you're trying to intimidate before that fat little mouth of yours says something you'll regret" I sneered at him, landing one last kick at his stomach, his fat engulfing my foot, just as the incident ended a booming voice caught my attention,
"Mister Malfoy, a word in my office" snapped monotone voice rang, sending me to walk straight out of the hall and to his office, I don't care if I get expelled, nobody calls Harry a man whore.
My feet trudged towards my God father's office, I'd like to have kids one day, apparently when I get my inheritance my mate (if it is male) will be able to get pregnant, I don't know how the fuck that works but it apparently does. Back to the story, he opened up his office door pointing to a chair signalling for me to take a seat,
"Draco, why did you do this, all for the potter boy? He isn't worth it Draco he's nothing but trouble, he's also a potter what will you father think?" He pleaded trying to change my mind about Potter. I just rolled my eyes,
"Severus, my father actually jokes about potter being my mate when I'm older he's totally fine with the idea" I said, trying to be a smart arse,
"I'm not going to tell him I'm not letting him get the satisfaction, I like him. A lot but I don't know how to say it"
"Well dragon, I don't believe that potter is worth it" said snape, showing no emotion,
"But I will stand by you no matter what as it is my duty as a God father"
"Really?" I said, disbelief written on my face, he just nodded and told me to go back to dinner as it will be my first day of lessons.
I found myself back into the hall sitting down next to Pansy, she smiled at me and said well done. My face lit up as I felt like I had finally complete something in my life, just as I was about to go over to potter to tell him how sorry I was, our timetables flew into place in front of us. Followed my the hoot of owls, landing at their owners hands waiting for their treat for delivering copies of books or presents from parents and guardians. I checked my time table to see a few good lessons. But there were a few lessons that were new and that I had the books for, but my eyes mustn't be seeing right, apparently Hagrid is teaching our lesson? That pad couldn't count up to three if he tried. But of course I would have to try and be nice to gain the respect of Harry.
The two houses made their way out of the grounds to Hagrid's hut, I stayed behind from the crowd with Harry to say a few words,
         "I'm so, so sorry for calling you a pussy"I shyly said, turning to face him (looking down of course) to see him blushing. He made it so fucking obvious that he liked me. His stance and his actions gave it away, I'm not complaining. I'm very happy about it,
         "It's fine, I'm sorry I believed that rumour"he replied, looking solemnly at the floor. We walked to the cabin in silence, no conversation was made. Just a nice stroll to Hagrid's hut.
We made it to Hagrid's hut last, we mustn't have realised how slow of a pace we were walking, whilst Hagrid was talking Harry stoop on his toes and whispered something in my ear,
"We could do something else"He fiddles with my tie in his thumbs staring up at me hopefully, I smirked wondering why Potter would miss a class especially Hagrid's,
"Are you suggesting we skip class?" I whispered back, he shrugged his shoulders
"I might be, but I think you might like the thing that I've got in mind" he said, trying to sound as dangerous as possible, but failing with his cute face. I giggled (but manly, because a Malfoy man is not feminine) causing his eyebrows to knot in confusion,
"What?" He asked,
"You're so cute" I answered squeezing his cheek, luckily not catching the attention of anyone,
"Please can we just go, I'll say that a wave of illness has came over me. And you can ask for the loo" he said innocently, swaying side to side on his balls of his feet. I nodded, finally giving in to teasing him. His face lit up, of course he turned around to Pansy and gestured a thumbs up. She smiled, mouthing to tell her all about it,
"Hagrid" Harry said, catching the attention for the teacher "I don't feel too well, may I go to Madam Pomfrey?" He continued,
"Yeh, now off you go 'Arry" He gruffly said.
I waited a few moments until it wasn't obvious that me and Harry were meeting up somewhere.
Alright here's my time to shine,
"May I please go to the toilet Hagrid?" I asked, making it look like I was desperate for the toilet. He just nodded and continued with the lesson. Oh what a mistake that was.

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