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The day had come, the day Harry had been dreading for awhile; as the fear of the unknown swam through his mind. The thought of being a Slytherin made him have sleepless nights, the thought of leaving his friends made his stomach churn, but a few things made his outlook on this year was seeing his favourite teachers but not so excited on who the new DADA teacher is, they could be an old bat who is even worse than Snape; which for Harry seemed impossible, his hope was iffy, his 'Mam' and dad had been assuring him that he would stay in his house that he was in now, but somehow this didn't persuade him, his hands were shaky; his knees were week. He was stood in his room which was occupied by Hermione and Ron, they were all packing their bags, and a separate duffel bag which held their robes; they were plain black and held only the hogwarts crest which was a combination of all the houses, Hermione had said to both of them that she would enchant them later if they changed houses, The atmosphere in the room was dim; it was dark in a physical way, but dark in a way which would put a downer on your day. This was a burden to him, he couldn't possibly loose his friends over a house.
Finally, they had packed their bags, but the bags weren't the only weight put upon them, the golden trio still had the thought of the resorting in their minds. They all gave their parents a hug and a kiss good bye, before they boarded the train. Once in the train they just seemed to melt into the chairs, the familiar sent of hogwarts ran through the train even if they weren't there yet. They were kept away from everyone else, no malfoy, no Parkinson. It was great, him and Ron shared conversation about anything that came to mind, whilst Hermione delved into the new books lilly had gifted her,
                  'I know it isn't just me who's actually shitting myself, am I?' Said Harry, his hands still trembling,
                 'Well if you mean like physically having a shi-'said Ron
                 'Well, you aren't the only one then,mate. I've been up all night worrying'Ron told Harry,
                'Oh will you two grow up? You're going to be in the same house.' Hermione chimed in, 'we'll all stay together, even if we aren't in the same house we can still see each other'
Ron and Harry's tense faces soon dropped into a smile,
              'Well if I do go into slytherin I guess I'll have to act like one' laughed Harry, standing up to do an impression; he crossed his arms and raised his nose,
              'It's pathetic that you got into gryffindor Ron, just pathetic' he said in the poshest voice imaginable, the trio all laughed together lightening the mood of the carriage. Ron filed after Harry and stood up top raising his nose high,
              'Yes just pathetic,'he mimicked, spitting as he talked,
              'It definitely is pathetic mimicking me, you filthy blood-traitor' a low voice chirped, stopping the trios fun,
              'Hey we did a pretty good job of the impression, didn't we?' Ron laughed, facing the angry Malfoy in the threshold. Draco just glared at him trying to think of a good comeback,
              'Can we sit here there are no compartments left' Draco questioned,
              'Why would we want to spend 2 hours with you?' Harry asked, utterly conffudled at the question, he just stood there before walking in with no welcome. Situating himself next to Harry's seat,
'What are you doing? Why do you of all people come into our apartment and sit here?' Questioned Harry desperately, dreading to sit down next to him,
'Last time I checked it wasn't your compartment, it's normally the trains' Draco picked whilst smirking,
'Oh bugger off will you, with your sarky comments.'Harry replied. The rest of the ride was quiet, the tension between the two trios was so tense you could cut it with a knife. It was like their mouths were sewn shut, nobody uttered a word until it was time to get changed, the golden trio pushed the slytherins from the compartment for them to get changed somewhere else, once changed the trio spoke with each other talking about their fears of this year and if they think the new DADA teacher will be a prat. They bustled off the train when it was stood stationary, leaving their luggage behind. When out of the corner of their eye they saw the ugly (but handsome) Draco Malfoy surrounded by his dumb friends,
               'I'm surprised they haven't put you in Azkaban yet, they'll probably have your name on one' Draco said snidely, earning a grin from his fellow companions. Harry made a lunge for Draco in an attempt to rip his face off, but was unsuccessful as the arms of Ron and Hermione clasped his hands. They waited for him to get a head of the three fifth years so there was no temptation for Harry.
                       They walked steadily across the train station and up to the carriages. Along their way they met Ginny and Neville, they accompanied them whilst trying to find a carriage but finding there was only one left; of which occupied a girl reading what seemed to be a magazine upside down. But that sight didn't startle Harry. What did was the skeletal horses pulling the carriages,
               'Can you see that?' Queried Harry,
               'See what? There's nothing there Harry' answered Hermione, a hint of concern in her voice,
              'I can see them too,' Said the strange girl, 'you're just as sane as I am' the battery of teens all stood confused with who the girl was,
             'Her names Luna Lovegood' Explained Ginny, showing a sign to get onto the carriage. The ride to hogwarts was interesting, with Luna explaining different types of magical creatures.
The time had finally come, the few minutes of torture of resorting. The fifth years were all called up, the names were called out swiftly by Professor Mcgonagal, the silence was deafening in the hall by all the other students. Worried looks on the faces of the fifth years and the heads of houses, a few minuets had past when,
'Hermione Granger' boomed professor mcgonagal.

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