The resorting

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The first years had made their way up to the stool which held the sorting hat. It was getting mor raggy and old each year; they were afraid after sometime it would brake, then what would happen? Each student got called up, the house they were sorted into clapped and cheered although hufflepuff done the same to everyone. The last name was read out nervous faces were shared on every table, many were shaking hands saying there goodbyes. Many people had tears in their eyes ,including Hermione, the teachers had blank faces not bothered by the tears shed.
       "2nd tears to the front" professor McGonagall instructed. All second years proceeded to walk to the front, robes swaying in different directions; all different colours which were about to be changed. One by one names got called, most of them changing houses but some of them luckily stayed in the same one. Once all sat down, it was time for the third years; you could see the fear imbedded in peoples faces.
       "3rd years, do come up"Called McGonagall. Everyone ran up wanting this to be over and done with, the trio weren't paying attention to names until the professor read from the parchment, "Ronald Weasley", Ron shivered it looked like he was on the verge of tears, who knew what would happen? He sat down, waiting for the hat to be placed upon his head, once he felt the material, he found the gaze of his mates. The look of comfort made him relax.
       "Hmmm, this is a hard one. It ought to be hufflepuff!" The hat bellowed. Tears started to escape Harry's eyes, Hermione following his actions. Ron's world crashed down, it was certain that they won't get sorted into hufflepuff; he made his way to the hufflepuff table dejectedly, watching him and his friends get separated was no easy thing. Next the professor called Hermione up, her clinching of her shoes hitting the floorboards. She reached the stool placing her self on it ready for her fait, she was the brightest student it was obvious that she's was going to be in raven claw.
       "This one is a no brainer, Ravenclaw!" The hat shouted. The Ravenclaw table eruptedinto cheers and clapping but Hermione's face was not pleased she didn't have her brothers, she didn't have people to protect every minute of each day; sure they would protect her but the would hardly be in any classes together! She ran to the table covering her eyes as tears cascaded down her cheek. Not one moment was spared for the old woman to read Harry's name out.
~~~~~~~~~~Harry's POV~~~~~~~~~~
"Harry Potter!" Professor McGonagall shouted making direct eye contact with me. My hands started to sweat as the Brady eyes of the hall burned into the back of my head, I knew what was coming. Dumbledoor said no opinions and I remember the words of the hat of when I first sat on that stool. I made my way up the steps, coming to a stop and sat down into the wooden stool I saw many eyes on me but one pair stood out from the crowd, the normal harm in them was drained they were a piercing grey, not dark or sad or angry just calm and beautiful. These eyes belonged to Draco malfoy, I had been hiding my feelings from him by pretending to hate him; deep down inside I knew that I liked him, but I couldn't tell anyone that. For one I  would get beaten more at the Dursley's and two 'the golden boy' has to have an image, and no one would like me if I said I was gay. As my thoughts ran through my head, I felt a rough material surround my head, it was the sorting hat.
       "Ah, the golden boy, Harry Potter. Last time you didn't take up my offer of Slytherin, I see ; you would do awfully good things in there. As I said the first time, Slytherin. Forever and always!" It bellowed. My world came crashing down, I heard gasps and whispers. The boy who lived, in Slytherin? This can't be happening, why me? I felt a tear slip down my cheek, I quickly discarded it as I made my way to the Slytherin table and took a seat next to Blaise, he was one of the only Slytherins I tolerated.
        "Welcome to the house of the snakes, you'll be alright I'll make sure of it!"he said proudly, making me smile again, at least someone cared about me.
      "Thank you" I murmured, turning my neck so I didn't look rude.
"Draco Malfoy!" McGonagall snapped, I turned my gaze towards Draco. A look of love must have been prominent on my face because Blaise indirectly comented on it.
      "He likes you too you know"Blaise said a lot of confidence in his voice a shade of scarlet coated my cheeks.
      "He does?" I questioned unsure. I heard the hat say something about Draco obviously being a Slytherin, I smiled again when he gave me a smirk.
      "He totally does, he would never shut up about you" he said a chuckle filling the space at the end. As Draco made his way to the table, he gave me a smirk (again) and bit his lip after making me blush a little. He sauntered over with the normal Malfoy confidence; he took a seat next to me, his hand brushed my knee deepening my blush. I just pretended that I dropped something so that I could calm it down. "You alright?" Draco asked.
      "Yes I just dropped something"I answered. Coming out from the table.
                  It was a minute or so later of me making new friends and just having a chat, but everyone was interrupted by the headmasters cough waiting for silence,
      "My fellow students I am sorry if you have been separated from your friends but most of you have changed" he started " but as people say 'let the show go on' and that is what we will do. But in my words I shall say, let the feast begin!" He finished plates and bowls of food appeared on the table, one thing I did notice was that the food here was more luxurious.
     "What is this?" I ask inquisitively, holding a bowl of black balls.
     "That's caviar it's fish eggs, do you want some?" Draco asked softly, very different to his usual tone. I nodded my my head,
     "Yes please", I said with a smile. He took the bowl out of my hand and placed a spoonful on my plate, he also put a few crackers on. As I thought he was done he started piling up my plate with rich foods such as rabbit and veal, he looked up at me with worry in his eyes.
    "I'm sorry if this is a lot, but you look so frail and I want you to be healthy" he said to me, with true concern in his eyes.
    "Thank you, no one has ever cared for my that much except from the Weasleys  and Hermione, I guess I've just gotten used to not eating much" I said truly thankful for him taking care of me. He reached for my hand under the table, I felt his warm grip squeeze it,
    "I'll always take care of you, no matter what. I really like you and I would do anything o help you" he said in an almost whisper. I smiled, I left his grips so that I could put my arms around his neck; I could feel him wrap his arms around my waist. The world stopped it was like it was just me and him, the voices were drowned out because of the moment. But I snapped back to reality, I heard people screaming in awe, there were people screaming "I ship it!" It made me smile knowing people were supportive, I finally pulled away but something in me was saying that I needed more.
"Kiss him" my conscience said, maybe I should. There's no hurting, right? I leaned in meeting him halfway for a short but loving kiss. Luckily Draco was smiling afterwards, I took my hands off his neck and started to eat,I saw Ron giving me a thumbs up and a wink; I chuckled I saw Hermione do the same thing but without the wink, she just had a big smile on her face. I'm so happy that I have friends like them, I couldn't imagine not having them there for me.
            I had only had a few small bites by the time I felt full, I cringed as I felt a bit sick, but a supporting hand rested on my knee. I looked up at Draco,
    "I can't do it" I whispered on the verge of tears, choking back a few sobs.
  "You can, I know you can. You can do anything" he reassured me. I looked back down at my plate and warily picked up my fork adding a few things onto it, I slowly lifted it up into my mouth and took the bite. It felt good to have a proper meal after being starved to death at the muggles house.
After the feast was finished everyone stood up, but I heard a gruff voice call my name,
"Harry!", I turned my neck to see who's voice it was. It was the new teacher, Mr lupin; he was walking towards me, well it was more a speed walk.
" you alright?" A soft voice asked, grabbing my hand,
    "Yeah, but could you stay?"I asked in return, he just nodded and stud with me waiting for the teacher tho reach us,
    "Thank you for staying, Harry. I just need to discuss somethings; you can bring Mr Malfoy with you, there is no worry." He said looking at both of us. He turned on his heels and started down the halls, we followed trying to keep our pace fast so we aren't left behind. It looked as if we were heading to his office.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3rd POV~~~~~~~~~~~~
They all sat down, lupin taking the seat at his desk ;Harry and Draco taking the couch near it.  Draco held his hand protectively, in fear that something would go wrong.
     "It has come apparent to me that you have been living with the Dursley's" he said calmly. I look of bewilderment was on Harry's face,
     "Yes I have, for the past 3 years!" He shouted, utterly annoyed that he knew it. How did HE know he's new for merlins sake!
     "No need to shout. Do you know your godfather?" He asked still keeping calm even though Harry was turning red with anger.
    "No, who is it?" He asked sitting forward very intrigued,
"Erm it is, Sirius black do you know him?" He asked, scared for his answer.
    "Yes I bloody know who he is, he's my mother's cousin!" Draco butted in, Harry just shook his heard notifying him to stop.
    "Yes, I do. I remember him briefly from when I was little, he was like a second father" Harry said, smiling at the thought. Mr lupin just sighed relieved of his answer.
    "Do you know him sir?" Harry asked.
      "Yes I do, he is very special to me." He laughed nervously.
     "And anyway, calm me Remus I am going to be looking after you, afterall" he said instantly regretting what he said. A look of confusion on Harry's face and a blush spread across Remus's.
            The two boys were soon after dismissed to their dorm making Draco lead them there.

A/N this is cringy but... ah well this is like 1.9k words. These will get fluffier throughout chapters, there is gonna be wolf star and other ships, many characters who are not in book three will be in here so don't get your knickers in a twist when they do. Hope you enjoyed it though, please vote so I know you are. To my around 9 readers thank you for reading!
~becca xx

Resorting of fifth yearWhere stories live. Discover now