Chapter 3. New teacher

Start from the beginning

Mr. Grahams started laughing at them and said while laughing "That's what you get for talking too much." He schooled his expression and said in a serious tone.

"Don't worry guys you aren't the "lucky" one this year" he emphasized on the word 'lucky' as he knew how the whole school feels about him teaching their class.

"This year we got a new teacher. He is straight from the graduation. So I want you guys to welcome him and behave. I told him you guys are the best in the school so make me proud." Mr. Grahams said and went to fetch the new teacher. Of course they are the as best as they could get in the school if you can forget about the occasional teenage tantrums and vandalisms.

After a few minutes a man came in with the principal and introduced himself. "Good morning guys I'm Matthew Collins. I'll be teaching you physics this year "

Everyone looked starstruck as the man went on some more. He looks like he is in his early twenties. He tried his best to look old by wearing striped white dress shirt which is neatly tucked in his grey dress pants. It's not compulsory for teachers to wear a formal attire in this school. 'He must have wore that to look more aged and matured.' Ryan thought.

One of the classmates asked the question which is in every ones mind "How old is he Mr. Grahams? He looks 2 or 3 years older than us." Mr. Collons seemed to turn red with embarrassment at that.

"He's 22. But, don't worry he has his Master's degree in the field of physics. So rest assured class, he is the best you can get in this school. I've watched his seminars and selected him on proper basis"

"How the hell does he manage that at that age? " class erupted into loud murmurs with questions.

Principal offered nothing more and left the classroom for Mr. Collins to continue his class with a final warning.

"I want you guys to take a test to know how you're doing with the subject so that I can have an idea about what I should concentrate more on when I teach you. " Mr. Collins said while starting to dig his bag to take out the question papers.

"Now? It is the first day Mr. Collins. Who would want to take a test? You should know about how we feel about exams. You're not far from us" a girl groaned.

Mr. Collins chuckled at that and started " Like I said it's for me to know about what you've learned. It's not going to add to your grades. So don't worry Ms..? " he trailed off not knowing her name.

"See you don't even know our names. You should get know about us first than what we've learned." she said without offering her name. The whole class liked the idea and erupted into loud murmurs agreeing with her.

"Okay. Okay. first introductions and then you'll take a test at the end of the class." Mr. Collins said and looked at the boy who is sitting at left corner indicating him to start.

"I'm Skylar Jones. I like basketball" he said and sat down. And this continued for a few minutes until it was Ryan's turn.

"I'm Ryan Parker and I like physics." he said as though it is normal to have physics as a favorite as everyone is talking about games, shows and other things.

The new teacher looked taken back at that and said "I'm not going to give you extra credits for saying that Parker"

"You can't give any Sir. I already have a perfect score" Ryan said without any hint of cockiness in his voice "And I'm not saying this to get in your good graces. I genuinely like physics"

"He does Mr. Collins. He might have read the whole text book 2 times already" said one of his classmates.

"5 times actually" Ryan corrected nonchalantly.

Mr. Collins looked surprised but everyone in the classroom didn't even bother react to that as they all knew about him. After that Mr. Collins gave out test papers. Some of the class looked deep in thought where some of them didn't even take the test seriously as the test continued.

Where as it took Ryan exactly 10 minutes and he was observing the new teacher. He couldn't remember where but he looks familiar and that voice.. he had heard it before. Just then he caught the legs moment of the new teacher and his eyes widened with realization. He is shaking his legs like the man in the bus stop. In the past week he is too wrapped up im his own mind he didn't pay any attention to his surroundings. Now that he can remember those sky blue eyes and light brown hair of his. He obviously thought he's a man in his late 30's or early 40's. Now that he looks close he looks like a boy nothing like a man. Had he noticed he wouldn't have add Mister to his name and would have been more impolite. Good thing then, he wouldn't want to be rude to his teacher and risk his grades.

Ryan waited for everyone to finish their test and leave the room. Then he went to submit his own paper and confirmed his thoughts.

"Mr. Dildo" he called.

"It seems you've finally remembered." the teacher said with looking up from what he was doing.

"I'm sorry I wasn't paying much attention to you. You remember me?" he asked not believing that he act remembers him from a small encounter.

"Who would forget if called such a name. Mr. Dildo? Really? " Mr. Collins asked incredulous finally giving some attention to Ryan.

"I'm bad with names and even now that's why remembered you. Is there every thing in the wallet as it should be?" Ryan asked.

"Yes. I'm assuming you didn't snoop." Ryan shook his head as a no indicating he didn't.

"Figures. Do you live in that neighborhood? "

"Since birth"

"I recently moved there"

"Oh" was all Ryan said not knowing what to do with that piece of information.

"This is where you ask do you need any help with the moving Ryan"

Yes that's what proper manners are he should ask that otherwise his mother would have his head. She's all about proper manners and politeness.

"So, do you need any help?" Ryan asked hoping he didn't have to. He have to go for job searching. He couldn't get around to it over the weekend.

" Yes. I do actually" he said scribbling something on paper and handed it to the boy.

"You know where it is?"

"Yeah. Next street to where I live"

"Good. Come and meet me there after the school" Mr. Dildo said as the bell to next class rang.

"Okay" Ryan said and went to his next class.


Ryan couldn't help but ask "Tell me Sir. Are you making me do this as revenge? " as he carried a heavy bed lamp to Mr.Collins bed room and placing it beside the bed.

"Maybe" Mr. Collins said as they both knew it was revenge for calling him? 'Mr. Dildo'

As agreed Ryan went to his new teacher's after school and is helping him move things.

"You moved here last week? You didn't arrange them till now? "

"Yeah. I was a little busy." and he couldn't help but ask "Did you seriously read the text book?"

"Yes. As I said I like physics, learning new things in general. And I take my studies seriously " Ryan said as he moved some other things around.

"Yeah. Heard that in the staff room. You were the hot topic today. Comparing themselves and making bets in whose subject would you get a highest score. "

Ryan chuckled at that "I knew about that. Last year was like that too"

They talked about school some more and got the work done. Ryan said his good byes and walked to his home. 

Sir (Man X Man) (Teacher x Student) ✔Where stories live. Discover now