Part 7

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"Y/n? What have you done to our dresses?!" 

"Why is the horse not in her stable, Y/n?!" 

"Did you REALLY go to the ball, Y/n?! Humf! What an idiotic thing to do! You should know better than to attend such things!.. At least you did the dishes..." 

"Y/n, I am starving! Make me some food!" 

"Ughhh! I just can't believe it! You ruined more dresses than I can count! For that, you will not be allowed to even leave home until you have paid them ALL off!" 

These were all the things you heard the moment your family stormed into the house just an hour after you. You, howevr, had too much on your mind to even care. It didn't even matter in the end that you were technically grounded. Your dream of working in the castle had already been crushed anyways. 


I was crushed. Did she not care about me the way I did about her? Did my eyes scare her off? Hhh! It's always the eyes, isn't it?! ...No... It was probably her poverty mindset. I can imagine that would be horrible to live with; not thinking you are worth anything. Gosh, harsh! No one should be thinking like that. 

I called the party off early. Well, more like I told Steve to, who used the excuse that I found out a bit too late that I still wasn't ready. Honestly, I don't know if I ever will be. But, for a brief moment in my life, when I was hanging out with that girl, and even more recently when we danced and talked, I felt as if I was. Just a trick of the mind, I guess. ...Maybe she just needed time to think about it- oh, stop it! She obviously doesn't want me, so I will just have to respect that.... but, the conversation on the balcony, under the stars... Her feelings appeared to be mutual, hugging me tightly and making me instantly feel as if... we were, just meant to be... 

I finally slap myself in the face, only the last guest in the ball room witnessing the odd occurrence. 

I shouldn't have been so quick! I should have been slow, and clill. Maybe, she would let me try again... if I just came as her friend, and maybe slowly built up from there? It was worth a sho- 

Interupted my own train of thought, I slap myself again, right as Steve is walking up to me. 

"Woah, woah, no need to literally beat yourself up about it." Steve chuckles, loosening his collar. It is obvious that he is glad everyone is finally gone. I have found that he has a much lower tolerance for large crowds, and fancy suits. 

"Hhh, it's not that, exactly. I just can't get her off my mind, even though she made it clear that she didn't feel the same way about me.." I sigh. Steve chuckles softly once more, as if he has something smart to say. 

"Oh, Hero, you puzzle me sometimes." He says, simultaneously unbuttoning the top half of his suit in order to take it off as quickly - but calmly - as possible. I figure that if I do the same, that it won't be me just awkwardly standing around while Steve speaks. 

"What do you mean?" I ask in half thought. 

"The way you described it made it sound as if she was just scared. Maybe she thinks you don't really want her, and was simply doing you a favor by running away; or maybe like you had hinted to, that she simply can't see herself as more than a servant, so you scared her off with that big speech of yours." Steve finishes, finally having the exterior part of the suit off, so he only wears the white, long sleeved part, which he too begins unbuttoning. I stop when I reach that point, because I don't have a tee-shirt on underneath like he does. Man! He must have been hot with so many layers on, and with all the dancing he did!  

"What?! Are you some kind of expert on girls or something now?!" I scoff. 

"I don't think anyone has that title!.. But, being raised with a sister has definitely helped a lot." Steve laughs. "And while I am in no position to help you make decisions, especially ones so personal to you, I would suggest you find her if you really love her, and show her that way that you weren't lying, and that she is much more than a servant to you." He then stops to let me think for a moment, finally throwing that sweat drenched long sleeve nightmare of a shirt to a far wall to pick up later. I have let him act as such, because this is far from the first favor he has lent me involving us swapping, most of which only us two know about. He's also the only person I can think of who has treated me more like a brother than anyone else. 

"But... what if she is still too scared to go with me?..." I ask with a little worry. 

"Then, you simply sweep her off her feet. I've heard that girls actually like that kind of boldness from guys." Steve whispers that second part as if it is a secret to the universe. I just think on that for a moment. Things slowly piece together in my head as I remember all the conversations from both our first and second visit. 

"....At the very least, I can find her, and ask if she wants to at least be friends. That way, I can still talk to her, even if it never gets any farther than that." I agree in my head. 

"Now that's getting somewhere!.. Now the only problem is... how are we- or just you, going to find her?..." Steve puts a hand to his chin. My brain races with his, and within seconds I smile slightly at a new idea. Shoes. 

"Steve..." I turn to him with that exact smile, catching his attention and curious glance. "I think I may have an idea..." 

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