Part 2

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You do the chores around the house. All by yourself. Quietly, you wish for a break of some kind. One does come when everyone leaves to eat-out again for lunch, leaving you with enough time to go out into the forest to explore. 

It is wonderful smelling the fresh breeze and beautiful flowers in the evening. The spring is especially lovely along the trail that goes up really close to the grand castle which peeks over the land. As you spot the top of it through the branches, you can't help but wish you could be in there, even if you were nothing but a humble servant. 

Your biggest wishes, however, would to have been born in a castle of your own, with a loving family of your own. You have dreamed in the past of princes from all across the land flocking to your kingdom, wishing to court you. But, in your dreaming, only one man is able to make you really feel special, in that special world of yours... unfortunately, however, you have never been able to imagine such a man in your life. The only person you see falling for you in reality would be some young boy, nearly 10 years younger than you, only interested in you because his parents told him to. 

You can't hold back a sigh from your mouth when you remember your dreams. Maybe, next year, or the next, you will finally be allowed to leave, and then you can apply to be a maid within those walls. It is the only realistic way your dream can come true, afterall. 

The thoughts you think stop when you hear someone talking just beyond the trail. The plants make it impossible to see who it is, so you push through the bushes in order to get a glimpse of who it might be. Some quiet traveling later and you are almost right next to the source of the voice. It is masculine, young spirited yet matured, smooth but also with a hint of roughness, and intelligent but with the ability to be playful. 

Slowly, you peek out of the bushes to see a hidden pond. In the center of the pond is an old statue of a knight holding a sword, which is covered in vines. The pond itself is completely secluded, hidden by the forest. Lilli pads dot the gentle blue surface of the water. The only thing man-made around the pond, other than the statue, is a an old bench with vines wrapping around the legs of it. 

The source of the voice sits on that bench, facing the pond as he talks with no one but himself. It appears to be a young man around your age, with a simple blue shirt on, and ruffled dark brown hair. By his appearance, he looks like a commoner, higher than you, but lower than your family for sure. Not quite ready to leave just yet, you listen to what the man is saying all by himself. 

"...Hhhhh. I.. I am really going to miss you, ya know?" He says while just looking off at the distant statue, which faces his way but looks up at the sky. You begin to wonder if this guy is somewhat insane. "I... I mean.. If only you were still here. It would make things so much easier... The kingdom misses you.. I... miss, you." He spoke softly. 

Ruining the moment, you shift your weight, cracking a stick under your foot. The man immediately turns around, looking directly as you with wide, blue pupiled eyes. In shock, you hide behind the bush so that you are mostly hidden, however still able to see the man between the leaves. 

"Uhg! Who is that?! You'd better step out by the time I count to 3!" He glares at your bush, placing his right hand on the hilt of a sword which rest there on his left side as if it were as casual thing to haul around. You gulp. He wouldn't dare. 

"...1!.."  He has to be bluffing. 

"..2!..." Yeah, definitely bluffing! ..But there is no way to be sure... 

The moment the man's lips begain forming the last number you fall forward, rolling down further than expected into a pit of mud. The man is silent as you grunt at the stinky mud which now coats your hair and face. 

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