Part 5

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The moment you realize you are staring, you blush, quickly looking back down. Though he looks at you nicely, he doesn't appear to recognize you. Maybe it isn't actually the same guy. 

"So, what's your name?" You ask softly, hoping inside that the name is impressive in some way. 

"St- Steve." The man almost coughs. Your head lowers a little more, hearing the pretty average name. You stand there awkwardly as the music in the background creeps back into your ears. At the moment, it is playing at a pretty fast pace, meaning everyone involved is dancing quickly along with it. In the corner of your eye, you catch a faint glimpse of Polly dancing with another man, one who from behind reminded you of the guy in front of you, except he was tad different somehow. Probably the height or build. "Not trying to sound intrusive or anything, but I haven't ever seen a dress like that before. Where did you get it?" The man, Steve, asks to start up a conversation. 

"Oh, I made it." You speak up, a small hint of pride, which fades when you realize that could have also been somewhat of an insult. 

"Really?. Wow, no wonder it fits you so well.. oh, loose string." He, complimented? Before pointing out a small string which you had hoped no one would notice in your haste to sew it. 

"...Oh, yeah. I- I only had a couple hours to s- sew it together... And what do you mean by, 'it suits you?' With all to respect, but are you trying to say something insulting?" Your voice raises in volume with the question, your eyes beginning to flare. After all that, you aren't going to let someone ruin your night with a few extra insults! 

"Why would that be an insult? The dress is beautiful." He speaks softly to properly combat your anger jumping to conclusions. Your attitude swaps instantly, and you look up at the guy with a genuine thank you in your eyes.

"...Even the loose string?.." You ask, you don't know why, but your eyes water the slightest, with you unable to look away. 

"Heh, the loose string only shows character. I always hate it when I see that every single dress, every outfit, just looks so perfect. It's, refreshing, to see something new, unique, determined, and yes, even flawed." Is his answer, which silences the room around you. 

"S- soo, what do you do here, in the castle, since you are not a chef?" You break the uncomfortable silence which is full of nothing but staring. Steve still doesn't appear to recognize you, but at least he is pretty nice too. 

"O-oh, I am more of the guard, kind of person. I do more fighting than anything." The man shifts his gaze from person to person as he speaks, uncomfortably twitching his fingers. You place your hands on your hips, unamused. "What?!" 

"I know what someone looks like when they are lying, and you are probably one of the worst liars I have seen." You scoff with a semi playful smirk on your face. Steve has a quick regretful face before sighing and turning your attention to the man in the center of the room, gathering everyone's attention, who is now dancing with a completely different girl. 

"You see that guy over there?" He directs your attention towards him. "That is the king: Herobrine." Now that you get a better look, you do see it is indeed the king. The one you remember seeing in pictures of the royal family and hearing about in little tales the girls of the town would share with one another just for the giggles; blank, glowing white eyes and all. 

"Wait," you think out loud, "you two look almost identical- Does that mean-?" 

"No! We aren't related." Steve interrupts you with a chuckle. "Herobrine just thought that since I looked so similar to him, that I would work for him as someone who could replace him in any possible situation where things start getting tough, just to trick assassins and such." 

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