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Outside were cameras, and a crowd of people, along with Police and ambulances, All the cameras turned to Akia when she busted out of the Building, Akia looked around and Rushed to the paramedics "They all have Leg injuries," Akia tells and the paramedics bring beds for Akia to set the kids down, "Her Bone is coming out"Akia tells and points to the first girl she saved, "Miki!"A woman yells and Runs to the first girl she saved, "M-Mommy!"The girl was now known as Miki all but yells.

"T-Thank you for saving my daughter!"The woman wails and bows down to Akia, "It's no problem! I was happy to help her!"Akia tells waving her hands around.

More adults come rushing over and hug their children, They look at Akia and bow "Thank you...." another woman trails off, "Igneel" Akia tells, "Thank you Igneel"She tells and hugs her son again. 

"Excuse me!  Akia Dragnell! How did it feel to save all those kids!?"A lady with a mic comes rushing over a man with a camera following her.

Akia tilts her head, "I was worried, There were so many kids, But I couldn't just leave them alone" Akia tells and gives a toothy grin, "I would save anyone even if it means me getting hurt, No one ever deserves being in pain!"Akia tells and She lifts up her hand sticking out her thumb and Pointer finger, Her toothy Grin still on her face.

"You are amazing! Your so young too!"The lady tells and Akia sheepishly rubs her neck, "I'm not that amazing, I'm just a girl who wants to protect people" Akia tells and something caught her eye, "Get back!"Akia yells and pushes the reporter and cameraman behind her.

Akia shrieks in pain as an explosion sets off on her body, She stands still for a second as the dust clears up, Akia looks up and see's a man standing on top of the building, he had Golden hair and Golden ears and A golden Tail, A black tattoo was across his arm.

Akia looks at the woman behind her who was on the floor "A-Are you okay?"Akia asks Panting to form the explosion that had gone off on her body, "I-I'm fine, B-But what about you?" She asks and the Camera was back on Akia, said girl gives a grin "I'll be fine"Akia tells and Looks back at the man, Tightening her scarf, "Everyone, evacuate!"Akia shouts and Looks to the man, "You are not Natsu"He tells as he lands in front of her, Akia growls, "What do you want with him!?".

"Revenge, But I guess killing his sister would do"He mutters and Akia growls and He smirks as explosions go off behind them blowing up more buildings, "This town doesn't have anything to do with this!"Akia snaps and his smirk gets wider.

Akia jumps to the man and Is caught in another exposition, "Fire eh?"She questions sucking up the flames of the exposition, Her first lights up with fire before Punching him in the gut, Sending Him flying, Akia runs forward and Knee's him in the face, The man falls to the ground and Akia pounds into his face a few times before stopping, "You shouldn't have done what you did"Akia tells and Stands up.

"Is everyone okay?"Akia questions walking away from the man, Everyone nods, and He suddenly sits up, "I'm Jackal by the way, And Something you should know is that once I touch someone I leave markings for expositions"He tells smugly and Akia looks at her body, "Everyone get away!"Akia yells and her body was set off with Expositions, Akia shouts in pain and Falls back, "I-Igneel!"A woman called out in shock.

"Are you really going to be defeated that easily?" A voice asks Akia was floating in her mind and looked around, "I-Igneel?"She questions, "You are my child, and no child of mine will be defeated that easily, You get back up, People need someone to save them, "He tells and Light blinds Akia for a second.

A scream was heard it was a female scream, "G-Get away!"She yells and Jackel gets closer to her, "Fire dragon: Flame Elbow!"Akia yells and Fire comes from her elbow, She jumps toward Jackel and Punches him in the face, He flys back to the side, And Akia Pants, "That last attack really did a number on me"Akia whines and Jackel growls "Danm you Dragnell's!"He snaps and His body starts changing into a beast.

Jackel jumps forward and Akia was about to jump away only to be grabbed by him, Jackel starts grounding Akia's face into the cement before stomping on her back, making her howl in pain, "You're a pesky human! You never had a chance of beating me!"He snaps and Kicks her in the gut making her smash into the Building she saved the kids from.

"You're alone in this place! No one here to save you! You are dead to them!"Jackel laughs and Watchings as Akia wobbly stands up, "I am not alone. I can hear them... I can hear everyone's voices... I can sense everyone's feelings... I am not alone... everyone's feelings... they support me... they are what give me the will to stand and fight!" Akia yells and Looks around, Jackel was standing farther from everyone, Akia smirks, "This is the end Jackel"Akia snaps.

"Crimson Lotus: Exploding Flame Blade!"Akia yells Twisting her arms and A spiral of Flames shoot out hitting Jackel spot on, It surrounds Jackel and He gasps in pain as the fire burns him before it explodes sending him flying back, He crashes into a few buildings and Akia falls on her back, "I-Ignell! Are you okay!?" The mom of Miki comes running to me, Akia gives a toothy grin, "I-I'll be fine"Akia tells before falling out of consciences.

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