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Toshinori had Got viper a sword, It was black with silver outlines. Viper was Thankful that it was close to the one he had before. But Sense it broke in battle he couldn't have the same sword.

Anyway me and Viper were on our way to our next class, English class,

"Hey Dragneel-San!" I hear behind me and I look to see the Mini Laxus "You have a really cool Quirk!" He says I grin and him "Thanks! You do to! it reminds me of a family member of mine!" I say and he looks shocked "Really?! is he strong?!" He questions and I nod "His name is Laxus Dreyar! He is really strong! He is tall and Blonde, on his right eye he has a lightning bolt scar!" I gush about my Family member, "Woa! He sounds cool Dagneel-San! You gotta let me meet him!" He says and I nod "One day! But please Call me Akia!" I say and he nods "Okay you can call me Denki!" He says and I nod we both talk about random stuff and walk to class.

I walk out of the class room and Sigh "Akia-San" I hear Denki say and I look over my shoulder and see him, "Yo" I say and we walk to the lunch room, I grab two trays and Fill one with a butt load of food and the other with a small amount.

I sit with Denki and A few other people and Set Viper down and we both dig in. A minute later I finished my food "Man I was hungry!" I grin and look at Viper who is taking his sweet time.

"You and Viper-San seem close" I hear a girl say and I look over to see a girl with short Purple hair I nod "Kyoka Jiro"she introduces herself "Akia Dragneel, And yeah we are pretty close, I found him when I was younger, and we've been close ever sense" I introduce my self.

She nods and Denki also nods "Thats awesome!" Denki grins and I grin back.

After Viper and Denki ate we walked to Aizawa's class, and sat in our seats I got a better look at Izuku.

"Izuku" I say and he Squeaks "F-First N-Name bases already?" I hear him mutter and I raise an eyebrow "Y-Yes Dragneel-San" He speaks up with a stutter 'oh my, its a male Wendy'

"Dragneel? What's with the last name?" I question "Just call me Akia, Anyway, You're Quirk is awesome! But your broke your finger, I take it, you can't fully control it" I start and he Nods shyly I hum in thought "Have you tried meditating?" I ask and he shakes his head no I nod "Try it sometime Just sit and concentrate on it" I say and I sniff smelling a scent I know and the door slams open.

"I am here!" He starts and Izuku gasps and Smiles "Coming through the door like a Hero!" and Everyone gasps. everyone starts speaking.

Toshinori starts walking to the front of the class room and speaks.

"Welcome to the most important class at UA High. Think of it as 'Hero-ing 101'  Here, you will learn the basics of being a pro and what it means to fight in the name of good! Lets get into it!" He grins "Today's lesson will pull No punches! Fight Training" He states and "Real combat?" Izuku questions. "But one of the keys of being a hero is...Looking good!" He says and pushes a button on a remote.

"These were designed for you based on your Quirk Registration forms and the Requests, You sent in before school started" He says and Every one Gasps and cheers, "Costumes" Izuku mutters. "Get yourselves suited up! and then meet me at the Training Ground Beta!" Toshinori says "Yes, Sir!" Everyone yells, and grabs their assigned Suitcase "Young Akia! You were told to bring your own stuff for this!" He says and I got a few questing stares I nod "Yeah! I got it with me!" I all but shout and he nods.

All us girls plus Viper walk to the Changing room. "Should he be in here?" I hear a girl with a ponytail whisper "He won't look at you guys, Plus he is not Interested  in any girl" I state making her nod, "It's fine, I'll sit on the floor outside" Viper says and hops off my head, as we walk in "Ill be out in a minute just gotta change" I say and smile, he smiles back.

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