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 I zone out as Izuku speaks "Very easily be used to kill" I zone back in and Shake my head, "Some of you also have powers that can be very dangerous In our superhuman society all Quirks are certified and stringently regulated, so we often overlook how unsafe they can actually be. Please don't forget that if you lose focus or make the wrong move your powers can be deadly." Thirteen states and I rub vipers head, he was cuddled in my arms, Listening closely.

"Thanks to Aizawa's fitness tests, you have a solid idea of your Quirk's potential. And because of All Might's combat training, you likely experienced how dangerous your powers can be when used against other people. Carry those lessons over to this class. Today, you're going to learn how to use your Quirks to save lives! You won't be using your powers to attack enemies or each other, only to help after all, that's what being a hero is all about. Ensuring the safety of others" Thirteen states and I grin.

Everyone including me cheers, when I see a black portal appear I raise an eyebrow.

"Thirteen. Protect the students!" Aizawa shouts the panic in his voice was real. I grunt and Look and see people come out.

"This is real. Those are villains."Aizawa states and I grin "I'm Fired up!" I yell and get next to him viper standing next to me "No your not go with the other students" Aizawa says and I shake my head no.

"Sorry but your not fighting on your own, And plus I need a good work out!" I all but shout and Grin at him.

I zone out for a minute and Stare at the man with hands over his face. I sniff the air and I swear something smelt familiar. but who and where was it from.

"Well if it isn't a Salamander Twin!" I hear a voice shout And My eyes widen. as I see a familiar face "Hey!, What's going on,Cool breeze!?" I all but shout and Grin Viper smacks my head "He's the enemy!" Viper all but shouts and I pout, "You know him?" Aizawa asks and I nod "Yeah My brother fought him a few times, I only fought him once" I say and Viper nods "Wow You are still so dense" Erigor says and I pout "You know Your brother is so crushed right now, Crying so much, Not even fighting with Gray, You know Gray is crushed too, He keeps Going on missions not even staying around anyone" Erigor says and Smirks evilly, My body freezes.

"I have a surprise for you" He says and I see two people tied up fall out of the purple mist, and my eyes turn to slits.

"They went on a mission together, He tried to protect them but sadly he just couldn't" He laughs Kicking the male body. "WENDY, GAJEEL!" I yell and Viper looks to the smaller bodys "CARLA, PANTHER LILY" He yells. they laid their Bruised and beaten. I felt my eyes water. and Viper jumps out of my arms. My body heats up.

"YOU HURT THEM!" I yell and run to him Aizawa was about to stop me when Viper pulled out his wings and stopped him.

"FIRE DRAGON: IRON FIST" I yell and jump up about to hit him, He smirks "Fly"He says and I get basted to the floor, Smashing into it, breaking ground under me. Smoke goes around and I hear my class makes Yell my name.

Third POV.

Mina and Denki screamed for the Dragneel. and They see Glowing eyes that looked red, before they see Akia jump back up to the 'Villain' "FIRE DRAGON:IRON FIST" Akia yells again and the wind blocks her from hitting him, but this time she stays up with him. "FIRE DRAGON:TALON!" Akia shouts and Kicks him back, Falling to the ground, Akia stands on her two feet making another dent. Erigor Pants at the force "EMERA BARAM" Erigor shouts and the ground breaks under Akia. The students Yell at the force and Scream for Akia again.

The smoke cleared up and Akia stood just fine.

"YOU HURT MY FRIENDS, YOU MADE THEM CRY,!" She yell and Growled.

"YOU CAN'T DEFEAT ME" Erigor yells and Akia Grins "I'M DONE PLAYING AROUND!" Akia yells.

"FIRE DRAGON:ROAR" She yells and fire comes out of her mouth before he moves out of the way she starts another spell "YOU ARE MESSING WITH A MEMBER OF FAIRY TAIL!" She yells. "FIRE DRAGON: WING ATTACK" She yells Crossing her arms around and jumps at Erigor. Everyone stared in shock, and fear. They all had seen the same thing, A dragon flying with her. and after she hit Erigor it disappeared.

Akia started falling and Viper flys to her hold by her scarf, flying her down to Gajeel and Wendy, Viper goes to Carla and Panther lily, and Akia goes to Wendy and Gajeel.

"WENDY! GAJEEL!" Akia yells feeling her eyes water.

Gajeel twitches a little along with Wendy. Akia Picks up the two and Viper picks up Panther lily and Akia hurry's and Grabs Carla before they rushed back to the class.

Akia Pov.

I see Aizawa gaping in shock and I rub my eyes stopping the tears.

"Gajeel, Gajeel, Gajeel,Gajeel,Gajeel" I repeat after I put them down, Slapping his face he Grunts and Opens his eyes and I grin.

"SHUT UP" He yells and sits up are heads colliding together I groan in pain "OW"I yell and He looks at me Before Smacking my head. My face goes into the floor. I pout as I stood up "WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" I yell and he growls "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU" He yells and I growl back "I GOT SUCKED IN A PORTAL, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU, YA FORK" I yell and he gets angry "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CALLING A FORK, YOU STOVE" He yells as he stands up slamming  our heads together, "STOVE?!" I yell before hugging him "I missed you guys" I say and start crying a little He pats my head. "We missed you too" He says and Viper sweat drops.


Another cliffhanger 



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