chapter four

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percy and callista began the walk to the big house, yawning and stretching. they'd dressed in their day clothes: jeans, camp shirt, and sneakers. they looked exceptional except for the fact that percy had put his pants on inside out. the lights were on in the big house, lighting up the windows against the baby blue of the exterior walls. they liked the colours. the vintage look of the house made callista smile along with the beautiful blue that percy adored. he loved all things blue, except for callista's blue poetry.

and her blue pen. when she wrote sad poetry, she pulled out the blue pen and it gave him a heartache. one poem, about unrequited love made him tear up and he didn't even enjoy reading. "percy?" "yeah?" "do you think i'll ever get a sword like yours?" callista asked, giving a small glance to riptide. "well, i don't know, maybe. don't you like archery though?" she nodded. "yeah, i'm a little more skilled at archery. bows are a ton lighter than swords." percy chuckled. "this is true," he admitted. "how do you think my friends are back home?" she asked. he shrugged. 

"fine, i'm sure. better than us at least." 

at nyu, nico could be spotted sprinting across campus towards will's dorm. he had to tell him about the dream and they had to leave immediately. there was only a few days before the solstice; a week, if even that. he knew will left the window in his bedroom unlocked so he pushed it in and threw himself, landing on will's bed and on something very...warm and boney? he heard groaning below him. will cursed.

"holy hades…" he groaned and nico looked at him. "will! i didn't know you were in bed. i'm sorry, but it's an emergency-" he spoke fast and will got confused. once he'd explained the whole situation, will became more or less confused. "what do i tell them? you have scarlet fever or something?" will asked. "anything. hestia needs me, and i know she already has two others." nico said and nodded to will. will smiled sadly. "iris message me when you know what's going on, okay?" "i will." nico promised. "i love you, nico." will said affectionately. " you too."

with a single kiss shared, nico shadowtraveled to camp half-blood and into the big house, where percy and callista sat on a big beige couch. "hi." nico said breathlessly. percy sighed. "hestia?" "hestia." nico replied, nodding, still trying to catch his breath. chiron trotted nervously, pacing. "do either of you know the third to your quest?" he asked. when both nico and percy shook their heads, chiron whinied anxiously. "i'll go, chiron." callista offered, but percy shut her down immediately. "you're too young for a quest."

"percy, i've been on two quests already-" she objected and he shook his head. "you're my little sister and i love you. i couldn't put you in that kind of danger by bringing you along." he said and she nodded knowingly, having three little sisters of her own. chiron looked at three half-bloods. percy's hair was still a mess of bedhead, nico looked like he hadn't slept in four weeks, and callista looked only a little better. nico and callista as students were always exhausted, and percy was merely on break from college in new rome. new rome understood the importance of family.

"alright, children. since we cannot get anywhere without a prophecy and a third person to your quest, you can all head back to bed. we'll iris message rachel tomorrow and after that, we'll announce that a prophecy has been issued." chiron said maturely. the three nodded. as they exited, they called goodnight to chiron. "could you imagine three big three kids on a quest together?" "that'd be like saying, 'hey monsters, here's a free three course meal!'." percy laughed. nico was quiet. "you okay, nico?" callista asked.

nico nodded. "i'm just tired." he yawned. "you can sleep in our cabin." callista and percy offered. "really?" he asked, rubbing his eyes. "of course." percy nodded and nico smiled slightly. "thanks." "you're welcome!" the children of poseidon said simultaneously. "jinx!" callista yelled and smiled. "you owe me a blue cookie. your mom's are the best." "that's no fair." percy frowned. "it's true," nico said. "your mom's cookies are super good." they pushed the door to cabin three and nico looked around the blue room.

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