Chapter Twenty-Three: New Discoveries.

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She was definitely not expecting to see so many people inside the office. Mrs and Mr Weasley got up and trapped Ginny in a tight hug, both of them crying happily at the sight of the daughter they thought was lost forever.

Dumbledore's eyes were fixed on her and Harry, and he was smiling brightly at them. Fawkes flew away from her shoulder only to sit on Dumbledore's. 

She was suddenly in the middle of a bear hug with Ron and Harry, Mrs Weasley leaving the tiniest space for them to breathe.

"You saved her! You saved her! How did you do it?"

"I think we'd all like to know that," said Professor McGonagall with a shaky voice. 

Mrs. Weasley let go of Harry, who hesitated for a moment, then walked over to the desk and laid upon it the Sorting Hat, the rub-encrusted sword, and what remained of Riddle's diary.

Then he started telling them everything. For nearly a quarter of an hour he spoke into the rapt silence: He told them about hearing the disembodied voice, how Hermione had finally realized that he was hearing a basilisk in the pipes; how he, Mel, and Ron had followed the spiders into the forest, that Aragog had told them where the last victim of the basilisk had died; how he had guessed that Moaning Myrtle had been the victim, and that the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets might be in her bathroom...

All sounded way more impressive than how it really was, most of what they knew was by pure luck and guessings, but altogether, they sounded better than any of Lockhart's books.

"Very well," Professor McGonagall breathed heavily, "so you found out where the entrance was- breaking a hundred school rules into pieces along the way, I might add- but how on earth did you all get out of there alive, Potter?"

Harry continued though his voice was growing tired, by the time he reached the part where the diary had somehow something to do with the whole thing, he stopped, giving a nervous glance to Ginny and then going back to Dumbledore, who only smiled as a reply. 

Harry was hiding something, the thing that connected Ginny and the diary with the rest of the story, she just couldn't tell exactly what it was.

"What interests me most," Dumbledore said, "is how Lord Voldemort managed to enchant Ginny, when my sources tell me he is currently in hiding in the forests of Albania."

"What?" Mel turned to look at her uncle in disbelief, "Voldemort?"

 "W- what's that?" said Mr. Weasley. "YouKnow-Who? En-enchant Ginny? But Ginny's not... Ginny hasn't been... has she?"

"It was this diary," said Harry, giving the book to Dumbledore. "Riddle wrote it when he was sixteen..." 

The man took the book and examined it, Mel saw the same strange glint in his eyes she'd seen a year back when she mentioned her bursts of magic to him.

"Brilliant," he said. "Of course, he was probably the most brilliant student Hogwarts has ever seen. Very few people know that Lord Voldemort was once called Tom Riddle. I taught him myself, fifty years ago, at Hogwarts. He disappeared after leaving the school, traveled far and wide... sank so deeply into the Dark Arts, consorted with the very worst of our kind, underwent so many dangerous, magical transformations, that when he resurfaced as Lord Voldemort, he was barely recognizable. Hardly anyone connected Lord Voldemort with the clever, handsome boy who was once Head Boy here."

"But Ginny," said Mrs. Weasley. "What's our Ginny got to do with -with... him?"

"His diary," Ginny cried. "I've b-been writing in it, and he's been w-writing back all year..."

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