Chapter Eighteen: A New Attack.

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The first thing Harry did after seeing Riddle's memory was to tell Ron, Hermione, and Mel.

"Riddle might have got the wrong person," said Hermione. "Maybe it was some other monster that was attacking people..."

"How many monsters d'you think this place can hold?" Ron asked dully.

"Judging by our experience, more than necessary," Mel replied.

"We always knew Hagrid had been expelled," said Harry. "And the attacks must've stopped after Hagrid was kicked out. Otherwise, Riddle wouldn't have got his award."

"Riddle does sound like Percy - who asked him to squeal on Hagrid, anyway?" Ron inquired.

"But the monster had killed someone, Ron," said Hermione.

"And Riddle was going to go back to some Muggle orphanage if they closed Hogwarts," said Harry. "I don't blame him for wanting to stay here..."

"You met Hagrid down Knockturn Alley, didn't you, Harry?"

"He was buying a Flesh-Eating Slug Repellent," He said quickly.

They pondered in silence, then Hermione spoke up.

"Do you think we should go and ask Hagrid about it all?"

"That'd be a cheerful visit," said Ron. "'Hello, Hagrid. Tell us, have you been setting anything mad and hairy loose in the castle lately?'"

"Do we have to, though?" Mel shifted on her seat, "The attacks stopped, whatever's been going on, it finally gave up- perhaps, we don't have to ask Hagrid at all"

"Mel's right," Ron leaned back on his seat, "we should stay quiet unless we've got a reason to ask"

They got up, Mel reached for Harry's arm and stopped him.

"But you should definitely take that book to Dumbledore."

"But it's helping," He frowned. "If it wasn't for Tom-"

"Yes, exactly," She insisted. "I bet Dumbledore'll know better what to do with it"


"He's the best wizard of our times! I'm sure if we give it to him he won't ask a lot of questions and is not like we can actually explain all of it."

Harry bit his lip, considering her offer.

"Oh, all right," He nodded shortly, "later, after we're sure the coast is clear"

"Fine," She agreed.


The second-years had to choose their subjects for third-year and the years to come, they had to be related to what they wanted to do for the rest of their lives, so she couldn't take it lightly.

"What about Ancient Runes?" Erick asked, checking the list of subjects she'd brought to their weekly reunion.

"I dunno," She laid her head on the table, tired of overthinking, "What subjects did you choose last year?"

"Ancient Runes," He chuckled at her whimper, "and... muggle studies- my family thought I'd chose it because it's an 'easy subject', I guess it is when you're not interested in it- Arithmancy is good as well"

"You're not helping," She grumbled, her voice muffled by her arms.

"Divination!" Erick smirked, "You know, I'm surprised people keep signing up to that"

"Is it that bad?" Mel asked, "Hermione says it's really faulty..."

"It is," He agreed, "more so with a teacher like Trelawney"

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