Chapter One: The Weasleys.

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'When I got to Hogwarts everything was so lovely, the students, the history... my history.

I never thought that I would have something special in me and that so many people knew my name. You know I got sorted into Gryffindor -the same house as you and mum- and there I met Hermione, which is the first girl-friend I've had! There's also Ron, he is wonderful when he's not complaining about school. 

And Harry, of course, I still can't believe he's with me in all this madness, I wouldn't have guessed we were so similar, Harry was so brave! I admire him if I'm honest. I do not know what would I do without him, he's changed so much since we arrived at school, he's like a brother! I'm sure these memories will stay with me forever.'

"You see? Brother," The man said through the phone, "pay me."

"Not yet, mister," Emily laughed, "my daughter's twelve, she's too young to decide whether if the bet is won or lost."

"Mily, I'm certain you'll lose, don't make it harder," He teased, "if I know something about Mel is that she's deathly honest. She would tell me"

"Mel's a child," She insisted, "don't you remember how we were at her age? I was definitely not thinking about boys"

"Lies, we all know you were crushing, just not on the right boy, that is."

"Oh hush," She stayed quiet for a moment, hearing footsteps on the second floor, "I think she's up"

They had been talking for almost half an hour, it was around midnight and Emily had lost track of time, but Mel's uncle had been nagging about their silly bet and she couldn't keep herself from giving her opinion on the subject.

It was all nonsense really, but it amused her.

The footsteps went back to her daughter's room, she returned her attention to the phone call.

"Try next year, I bet we'll have some interesting letters then."

"You're having too much fun with this," He chuckled, "I just hope she never finds out, or we'll be in trouble"

"What did I ever do to have such heathen for a daughter?" Emily smiled, "You should go to bed, don't you work tomorrow?"

"...yes, I should go"

"You paused," Emily leaned on her seat, "everything alright?"


"Is your boss upset because you skipped last week?"

"I talked to him about it"

"He couldn't have possibly-"

"I said I talked to him," He insisted, "no need to worry, Mily"

"...I wish you could come live with us, Mel needs a role model"

"I'm no father," He laughed.

"You're the only constant in her life apart from me and Harry. She needs a good man to build up her expectations if a man is what she wants that is, if not, then I'm afraid I'm giving her a terrible example of a woman"

"Don't be silly, you're the best"

"She'll be so much better than me, though," Emily smiled, "such a temper! Maybe that's on me, Matt was always kind"

"Except on times when people would tease you," He reminded her.

"Oh, that Ernest kid was so scared!" She chuckled, "I guess she's a lot like her father as well, judging on the way she looks after Harry"

Written In The Stars II -[Harry Potter xFem!Oc]Where stories live. Discover now