Chapter Twenty-Two: Ginny's Rescue.

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Mel didn't like the idea of being underground and so far away from everything. Even if the ceiling was high enough for them to walk upright, she feared that at any moment the walls would just fall and bury her under thousands of stone and no one would ever know where to find them. That was quite a nasty thought she didn't want to have, yet it was the only thing she could think of.

There was no need to watch Lockhart now, he couldn't exactly flee from the place. They walked through the damp hall, dark and cold with only their shadows as their company, carefully moving forward.

"Guys - there's something up there -" Ron pointed. 

At the end of the corridor, they could see something huge and just... laying there.

"Maybe it's asleep," Harry whispered. 

Harry and Mel walked closer to it with their wands ready for any kind of attack when Harry's light got to the body, they realized it was only the skin, the monster wasn't there.

Lockhart fell to his knees, overwhelmed or maybe, just tired from all the emotions.

"Get up," Ron demanded, pointing his wand at Lockhart.

Lockhart suddenly jumped on top of Ron, now both of them were on the ground, struggling. Mel got closer but by the time she and Harry got near enough, Lockhart had already taken a hold of Ron's wand.

"The adventure ends here!" He said. "I shall take a bit of this skin back up to the school, tell them I was too late to save the girl, and that you two tragically lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body - say good-bye to your memories! Obliviate!" 

An explosion divided the group, Mel threw herself to the right and covered her head as best she could from all the rocks falling. Her worst nightmare coming true and all she could think of was that if they died, there was no way someone could recover their bodies. Then the rocks stopped, and she was still breathing- and she could hear someone breathing beside her.

"Ron!" Harry shouted from some point in the distance. "Mel! Are you okay?"

"I'm here!" Ron's voice sent a wave of relief through her body, he was next to her, she wasn't alone. "I'm okay - this git's not, though - he got blasted by the wand- Mel?"

"I'm fine," She panted, standing up, "I'm full of dirt, but I'm fine. What do you mean he got blasted?"

"Well," He grunted, "take a look..."

The boy got closer to the man's body, who laid on the ground with a confused expression. Ron kicked his leg and Lockhart complained briefly before going back to analyze the place. He seemed lost.

"Harry!" Mel approached the pile of rocks that were now separating them from each other. "Harry, are you alright?"

"Yes," Harry's coughed, "one piece and all..."

"What now?" Ron asked anxiously. "We can't get through- it'll take ages..." 

She knew Ron was right, they were trapped and Harry was the only one who could keep going. Once again, she knew what they had to do, only this time was harder than the first, cause it meant she had to let go of what she felt was part of her person.

"Harry has to keep going..." She said, very quietly.

"What?" Asked Ron.

"Harry has to keep going," She repeated, louder this time, "I hate saying this, but he knows what he's facing and he's the only one who can get to Ginny on time. If he waits for us your sister... she has more chances if he moves right now than if he waits for us"

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