8 - The Ill of Forsaken

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Okay, well, I know I put this story on hold and all but with all the people asking me if I could post another chapter I said yes. Than I had to delete everything off my computer. Including Microsoft Word and thats the only place I will work on my stories. So I've been looking for a way to get a writing thing on my computer. AND I FINALLY FOUND ONE FOR FREEEE~~~ and has spelling check OwO So here ya go~~

ALSO! Please check out my friends story that is on my profile, Love Me Or Kill Me, its mostly a SebxOC but there is some CielxOC. If you read both stories these Jen's are NOT the same....even if Jen here is a princess and Jen there is a Queen....they are NOT I REPEAT NOT!!! the same person.....the only reason why the girl in this story has the name Jen cuz its mine and my friend and I rp together so thats why the other story has my name......whatever. Lol. EnJoy~~~~

~Chapter 8~

The Ill of Forsaken

~3rd p.o.v.~

Ciel sat there looking at the girl laying on the bed. Her long brown hair was on the bed sheets spread perfectly, her lips slightly apart and her eyes closed as she slept. It has been a week since Silent broke loose and she fainted from the blood loss and pain.

Ciel did his best to pay attention to his work, but no matter what he found himself sitting on that chair in Jenni's room holding her hand and kissing it at times. Angel would come in to change her bandages and Sebastian would come in to tell Ciel news about whats going on outside the room that he never left.

“My Lord, the Queen has sent another letter, demanding that you write back. She worries over the Princess....” Sebastian said as he bowed to the young man.

“Put it to the side. I will do not such business until she awakes.” Ciel said, his eyes never left Jenni's small body.

“Of course my Lord.” Sebastian bowed again than left the room, going to make dinner.

“Jennifer...please.....wake up....” Ciel whispered as he teared up.

'I did know that I showed an interest to her...but....do I love her is the question?' Ciel asked in his mind. Did he love her? Is that why he needed her so badly?

'No, love with only cause problems for my goal.' Ciel shook his head and looked out the window, trying to keep his blue eyes off the girl who laid in front of him, lifeless almost.

“Ciel....” The small girl whimpered out as she closed her eyes tightly, her grip on his hand tightened.

Ciel's eyes looked at the girl quickly, begging that she'd wake up so he could see her beautiful deep brown eyes.

“Jenni...please....wake up....I'm begging you...” Ciel kissed her hand that he held, a small tear drop landed on her hand and he kept it there. He would not cry, he had to be strong for her.

“I...” the girl tried to choke out, but with no luck.

“You what?” Ciel scootched closer to her, needing to know. The problem was that she couldn't finish.

“Please, Jennifer, finish please!” He hoped she would say the words he needed to enlighten his ears.

“...” Jenni could not finish her sentence, but she had the words he needed from her.

Angel walked into the room after an hour or so, she bowed to Ciel as she walked closer to him slowly.

“My lord, dinner is ready and I must change the Princesses bandages.” Angel whispered for him to hear barely.

Ciel nodded, he knew that if he was in the room he would see her nude and would be invading her privacy. Yes, the idea was tempting but he wanted her awake if he would dare to think or do those things to her. It was hard for him to not think certain nasty thoughts about Jenni as she laid helpless and had nothing on her but a simple blanket, well not just a simple blanket but many blankets.

Once Ciel sat there watching Jenni sleep, daydreaming. He day dreamed that she woke up and looked to him, licking her lips, whispering his name. He crawled on top of her and played with her hair as Jenni took the blankets off-

'STOP!' Ciel screamed in his head as the thought came to his mind. 'I swear, since you saw Jenni naked you've had these thoughts about her! Doesn't help that I've finally hit that stage of lick-liking! Girls...' Ciel thought as he walked down the darkened halls to the dining room.

Angel took the blankets off the small girl who slept and took the bandages off her. She had a very deep cut that went threw her stomach, yes Angel was able to get the inside healed but the outside skin was very fragile and even cracked or ripped apart some days.

“Jennifer....poor poor Jennifer....” Angel whispered as she got clean bandages on Jenni and putting the bloody ones to the side to be washed.

Angel wondered why Jenni was put threw so much in her past, present and even future. Was the rumor true, that the Headmaster (i put headmaster instead of God so ya, trying to stay out of realign and such) was furious with her? Angel could never figure it out and it bothered her, even Sebastian.

Sebastian had been on the edge because Angel has. She was his and he was hers. They had mixed their souls together, he had marked her and she had marked him, and they where mates. So they knew everything about the other, even could read the others mind if wished. And he read hers many times because he was worried over her. Angel didn't even wanted to be held anymore, let alone kissed. He had no idea how to calm her down, the only way he knew how to calm someone down was using lust, he was new to Love because he was a demon. Well, he was more than just a demon, he was the crow king. He was the leader of the Crow Demon Pack, and hoped to have Angel his queen, but he knew other demons and other races would go after Angel so he needed to keep his mark on her. No matter what.

Ciel walked down the stairs and entered the dining room, lifeless. When he wasn't next to Jen he didn't feel normal but empty.

Sebastian pulled back Ciel's chair that is at the head of the master size table with the lots of food. Ciel sat at his seat and started to eat, he had no flavor what so ever.

“Is everything to your taste my lord?” Sebastian asked like he normally did.

“Yes...” Ciel lied to his butler.

“Is something wrong my lord?” Sebastian knew that Ciel just lied.

“What do you think!?” Ciel got annoyed by Sebastian, “Stop asking such stupid question.”

“Of Course my lord. I am sorry my lord.” Ciel sighs and leaves the dining room, going to retire early.

Ciel somehow fell asleep that night, but he didn't know that someone was coming to visit him in the morning....

~End of Chappy~

Mk, so ya...meh. Comment and vote, share blah blah blah. SOrry its short and all. This chap is to set tomorrows day in the thing and who knows when the next chap is coming. blah blah blah....


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