6 - The FuntomC.

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Right when Ciel was going to speak I heard laughing, behind a huge rock behind me and both of are faces fell.

“Oh my! Who knew the young master was romantic!!!” Finny's voice said with laughter.

“I know right! This is worse then my cooking!” Bards voice grouped with Finny's.

“You catch I punch?” I asked with a evilness.

“Sounds like a plan.” Ciel answered, and when he finished that I couldn't hear laughing anymore.

Instead of the plan we where going to do we went out to the shopping district for a nice walk and window shopping. When I looked to my right I noticed something very special to me.

“Ciel! Look!”


“It's a Funtom company shop! Can we please take a look?” I asked with the puppy dog eyes.

Knowing Ciel I shouldn't of been surprised, he gave me a death glare.

“Do you hate your company THAT much!?” I asked over dramatic.

“No.” He answered with the same death glare, if Sebastian and Ciel had a death glare contest I have no idea who would win and how many people would die.

“Fine then, I'll go by my self.” I walked off, humming the London Bridge song.

Ciel didn't follow me which was no surprised, when I entered I saw a small blue ring on the floor and gave it to the man with orange hair and a doll face.

“Excuse me sir, but I found this ring on the floor and thought the person who lost it would come back and want it.” I said showing the man, but he never took it out of my grasp.

“I own the ring, and I wish for you to have it.” He said while looking down at me, he had tons of make up that looked like a scary clown.

“Oh but I can't! It's your ring.” I said putting it down on the counter.

“What if I said the person you love would like you to have it, Mrs. Phantomhive.” If a toddler was near it would be crying, so I was shocked by his voice and that he knew that.

“How do you know that?”

“Just wear the ring, madam.” He didn't say it coldly but with no emotions now.

“You didn't answer my question!” I slammed my hand on the wood in front of me.

“Jennifer!” A voice behind me said, I turned around to see Ciel.

“Excuse me sir, I must go.” I ran off not knowing that the man put the ring on my right hand.

When we got home it was around supper. Ciel went to his study to do some work on the Funtom Company, which led me out a small and quiet giggle just being there , and I went to Angel's room to say where back home to see Sebastian going into her room, so I went into mine instead. I couldn't see anything but darkness and I couldn't get any light. I took some steps only to have a cloth to my mouth and someone making me faint with loss of oxygen only to have a whisper in my ear.

“London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. London Bridge is falling down. My fair Princess.” Then I was in the endless darkness.

~Sebastian pov~

I was heading to Princess Jennifer's room and when I knocked no one answered.

“I'm coming in my lady.” I said with a little of worry in my voice but trying to hide it.

 If she's kidnapped the world, heaven, and hell could be destroyed.

As I opened the door I saw a piece of fabric and a note near the window, I ran to it reading the note I was terrified. I went to the young master dropping the note remembering what it said. 

Dear Phantomhive Mansion,

I have taken the young lady and I do think you know what I will do.

I will drain the blood of the Silent Night girl and bring out Silent, and we all know what will happen. Death. I will reborn this unclean world! If you wish to die early then I would come and save this stupid girl.

 As I made it to the young master's study, Angel was there.

“Jennifer was kidnapped!” I said with loss of breath.

“What!?!” The young master said while getting out of his chair fast.

“Who took her?!” Angel asked while they both came closer to me.

“I don't know but I do know that he or she will awaken Silent.” I said with more breath from all that running, since Jennifer or Silent is scared Demons and Angels powers are weakened.

“I know where she is!” Angel spoke with us heading to the front door.

“We have to get her!” The young master was getting soft, but his hatred was getting bigger, yummy.

~Back to Jennifer's pov~

As I slowly awakened I had no idea where I was, but I was sure of one thing, I was in trouble. Some green eyes and bright orange hair came closer to me.

“Your that man I saw at Ciel's shop.” I tried to scream but I only got a whisper out of me.

“Shush, the master is happy to see Silent again.” He said with no emotion, like a doll, like how I was.

“Who's the master!?! And I'm not Silent! I am Princess Jennifer!” Again just a whisper.

“You will see, Silent.” He came closer and I went into the darkness once again hearing only Silent's voice saying yes over and over again.

~End of Chapter Six~

The Princess and the Guard Dog/Ciel Phantomhive/Black Butler ( Under edit)Where stories live. Discover now