An Odd Study Group // 1 //

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Narrarator POV :

 Before splitting up, Boruto promised that he'd find time to hang out with Shikadai and Inojin more than he normally did.Ever since they'd been broken up into their own separate squads, the boys felt a bit more distant than usual. Although they had the same classes most of the time they'd be going against one another and once that was over and done with, they were either too busy studying or just way too worn out to really  hang out. Just like that, the young  Uzumaki waved a goodbye to the other two ninjas before turning back to his other two neighboring friends who would be joining him on his journey home for some studying.

Boruto POV: 

 If I'm being honest with myself, the walk home was probably the most normal part of today, what a relief!  Sarada was blabbing about how she understood the concept behind what Sensei was trying to teach during class a couple days ago with the math, and i could understand where she was coming from..but her troubles felt a bit off. 

    She only ever raises her hand when she's got a legitimate question, and she's had plenty before. So why didn't she ask anyone about this before? I've known her long enough to know she's i know i should be the last person on her list when it comes to asking for help. She's always one step ahead, but now she's asking me to help her with something so basic? That's kinda cool when i think about it! 

Mitsuki was just staring off at the shops and lights we would pass by every now and again..i think. We would cross the street or walk past a fairly bright area and he'd instantly look over at something with that weird smile, strangely enough they were always by me, or at least in my general direction.I asked him about it, and when i did he just laughed and said " I was admiring something, sorry if I'm becoming a bother.." It freaked me out a bit but i shrugged it off eventually. And eventually we had made it to my house! 

Sarada POV :

The walk was exhausting, i couldn't think of anything to pull off while we were in public to sort of bug Mitsuki. I even thought of maybe...holding Boruto's hand, but i couldn't do it! No matter how many times i tried to pull myself to do it, i just thought of how humiliating it would be if i got rejected or if Boruto thought i was weird for trying it out. I spent the whole walk thinking about how i could get my hand onto his, and i ended up standing on the lawn to his house before i knew it! But even so, i've still got this in the bag don't i? Yeah...I've just got to push a bit harder this time, even though we're studying..there has to be something i can come up with before that blue haired freak does!

Mitsuki POV :

It's very interesting how hard Sarada has been trying. She's taking this almost as seriously as she would a match in a battle, she must really be used to taking her issues head on. I can't say i don't envy her way of thinking when it comes to challenges, though Boruto is still the only one who takes the cake when it simmers down to  thinking care-free.He's always taken me by surprise with his more moderate, and preferable style of overcoming his obstacles.Funny enough, this will be my second time visiting the Hokage's household. Heh, I guess in a way I've already beaten you to something Sarada-chan~! I don't know how well i'll do with studying.I'm sure the daughter of Sasuke Uchiha has got some intelligence on her.As your friend i am also aware of your many talents when it comes to education..i just wish we didn't have to fight over the one thing that can't seem to make a compromise out of itself.

Narrartor POV:
After a bit more subtle conversation, Boruto invited both Sarada and Mitsuki into his home before being abruptly attacked by his little sister. Himawari couldn't control her little child bubbling while she jumped up and down, explaining to her older brother just how she had helped their mother cook and how for the first time in a long time, dad was really home! No shadow clones this time! The young, yellow haired males' eyes lit up for mere seconds before he scoffed and pretended not to care like he did all the time.

Mitsuki could only smile to himself due to the family acts that he,himself wasn't too familiar with. Sarada chuckling a bit due to Boruto's little sister's cuteness, she couldn't help but wonder how someone like himself could uphold such a pure relationship with his little sister all while being that same loud yet adoring idiot everyone knew him to was somewhat charming in a sense. As the three made their way through the entrance of the house, Boruto and his friends were once again greeted by an Uzumaki, this time it was Hinata.She greeted the three Ninjas before kneeling down to ruffle her son's hair, earning a couple of snickers from the male's friends.Due to embarrassment, Boruto couldn't help his cheeks burn a light pink tint..this was so stupid! 

After being released by his mother, he was greeted by his father who looked as warn out as always.He did his best to look as if he didn't care so much, but eventually caved in to at least hugging his father.Naruto returned the rare act to his son before ruffling the boy's hair just as his mother had.He made their interactions with one another as quick as possible as to not flush pink in front of his dad and in front of his friends again. He lead the two up the stairs before stopping mid-way to bring up a point he found valuable.

All POV's :

Boruto : " Hey guys, we could totally grab a snack or something before we start ya know? " The boy explained, smiling slightly as he waited for recommendations out of the two who stood before him.

Sarada : " Ugh, we just ate burgers you goof! Are you seriously still hungry after all of that?! " She questioned with a small sigh before letting the wonder of ' how does he stay so fit in the first place ' reach her thoughts.

Mitsuki : " I personally don't mind, i believe a snack could prove beneficial to keeping us awake while we study, don't you think Boruto? " The blue haired male questioned the other, tilting his head ever so slightly as his everlasting smile crawled it's way onto his previously blank expression.

Boruto : " See, someone get's me! " He pouted slightly before grabbing a couple of chip bags, heading up in an instant before his mother could figure he'd taken anything at all without having dinner first.It was surprisingly one of her few strict rules.

Narrator POV :
At last the three had made their way into the blue-eyed male's room.There they all squeezed onto Boruto's bed, picking certain pages out of the other's notebook  to review.The Uzumaki took a deep breathe and exhaled before letting a wide grin fall over his features." All right! Let's do our best with this stuff!" He assured, Sarada and Mitsuki both nodding in sync; the three now fully filled with determination.Boruto, happy to help the two, Sarada and Mitsuki...well the two were on the same page, they just hadn't filled the other in on what exactly they were so determined about.
One thing was for sure, this was surely going to turn to one odd study group.

N / A :

Finally!! I finished something! Here's what i came up with, hope you guys enjoy this! It sure did take some time to think up what i was going to write down.But at last, after three hours and a food binge I am done with yet another chapter!! See you guys soon, and thanks again for reading! 

-Danny! 💕

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