A New Challenge Presents Itself!

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A/N : Don't Mind the picture please XD Sorry for being gone for so long...life is something else,here's another fresh chapter though! Hope you enjoy this one!

Boruto POV

  Jeez,what a tense burger stop! After ordering,Mitsuki wouldn't stop asking to feed me and Sarada continuously asked weird questions like 'Am I into boys or girls?' or things along those lines. I didn't get the point...but typical Sarada am i right? 

I told her I was  straight and that sorta seemed to satisfy her,  however Inojin and Shikadai thought something was the funniest thing in the world at that moment and they decided not to tell me.I even asked Mitsuki what was up and he just chuckled right along with them.After a small back and forth talk, me and Mitsuki came to a compromise and I let him feed me a few fries; I can't tell you how much i hated all the dumb stares we were getting, I could swear some girls in there thought we were the cutest couple...but were not dating!! And the worst part is..it might've been class rep Sumire and her friends!

Well  when I thought it was over, boy was I wrong! When I started talking to Shikadai and Inojin everything went downhill. Mitsuki drank out of MY soda and Sarada wouldn't move away from me, these guys were really killing me! There was literally no personal space; and Sarada loves personal space! Trust me, i would know! I can't explain it but my face wouldn't stop burning up, what's that all about? Sure big bro Konohamaru says that my old man and his squad used to 
get along just fine by being close..but I've got a slight feeling that this wasn't exactly what he was referring to.

Sarada POV

Why is Boruto so predictable!? That idiot can't see what's going on here? Mitsuki said he'd be competitive yeah, but who knew it would be this bad? He got the soda before I could; squishing Boruto's side isn't fun..at all! What a cliche, i wonder what papa would think knowing his only daughter would be crushing on his best friends' son. 
I tried to stir up some conversation but he started talking to Inojin and Shikadai. Why does everything have to be so hard? Even Lord Hokage likes Mitsuki...It's not like I'm gonna give up though! I'd never drop the male to someone as weird and simple as Mitsuki.

 I may not have too many options open for me at the moment, but that's just what the son of Orochimaru would want me to think! I can't let him win.The games are only just beginning! 

Mitsuki POV

My sun...he really is a hard one to get,Orochimaru did always say that these Uzimaki's shined at one point or another,he couldn't lie about that. Boruto seems to have been shining for so long,I hate to say I'm late to the party; I envy most people of the town,but the Uzimaki's and the people who surround my sun are so unique, I like being around them.Sarada however,why is she going for him? I told her about my feelings for him, weather their unnatural or not, only Boruto makes me feel this way, it's really strange if I'm being honest but..I don't want them to fade away.

This is something I haven't explained to Orochimaru nor Log,i don't think it's something they'd care to hear anyways. I'd tell Lord Hokage but I've heard from Chocho that the phrase is explained as 'Gay', I believe she is the only one i can seemingly trust with such information oddly enough.I wonder however..does Boruto's father know that i'm participating in this 'gay'? Does he except of 'gays'? I wouldn't want Boruto to hate me let alone his family, so I'm keeping this strange essence on a low profile..Sarada and Chocho are the only others who are aware of my conditions.I trust the two although I feel Sarada could have been a minor mistake.


Boruto,Sarada,Mitsuki,Shikadai,and Inojin eventually made their ways to another place,although it was unexpected..The five decided they'd go to an arcade for a bit of stress relieving. Shikadai was acquainted with someone inside so they'd get accesses to petty much everything on the inside,it sounded tempting so why not!? Sarada had homework like all of them, Shikadai and Inojin would do it together, Boruto got the math and Mitsuki knew a lot of things; she didn't struggle often so she figured it could be another easy solve.But suddenly..she'd gotten another idea..

"Hey Boruto, you've got time after this?" She called, the rest of them turning to her before Boruto's eyes met her own. Mitsuki knew where this was going. "Yeah Why?" He questioned
"Think you c-" She was cut of in an instant, Mitsuki tapping Boruto on the  shoulder before asking politely." Sarada and myself wanted to get some tutoring help from you.Would that be okay Boruto-kun?~" 

The snake-like teen questioned his friend as he tilted his head to the side, turning to the female a few feet away before giving off an almost plastic smile.

His met eyes with Sarada, Black meeting Yellow..the new challenge...

It was time to impress...  

A / N : Yo! Thanks for waiting! This isn't exactly a big story but I appreciate the readers who are around anyways! :0 Thanks for tuning in! See ya!

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