A Confession?!

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Narrator POV : Boruto,Mitsuki,Shikadai,Sarada,and Inojin had stayed over extra hours to help out Konohamaru with cleaning up..of course cleaning up a mess they had caused.Boruto had started an argument with Sarada,Boruto had almost all his friends on his side,the rest of the class on Sarada's side.The silly thing was the whole argument was over a piece of gum that had been stuck into the female Uchiha's hair,little did any of them know,Chocho had just been reckless with her snack placing earlier in the day and hadn't fessed up to such during class time;leaving a stressed Sensei and and five after school clean-up kids.

Boruto's POV : It had been too long at the Academy,i was already starting to get bored of Big brother Konohamaru,He'd taken Sarada's side! I couldn't believe it,I knew i hadn't done anything but here i was cleaning the windows in the class,On top of me straining my back Himawari and Ma had made a whole feast tonight!...and my stupid old man is supposed to be there but I have a feeling he isn't gonna make it.On the bright side though,Shikadai,Mitsuki,and Inojin helped me clean up! Sarada's still moaning and groaning about her hair,is it seriously That important? Weirdly Mitsuki hasn't spoken a word,he just keeps on smiling at me,it's getting a bit weird but I've decided not to comment on it yet since most of the class know he's got a weird old man;I kinda think Orochimaru is cool...I mean if you push the pervy,long tongue and snake fettish thing aside then I'm sure he's a pretty cool guy.

Mitsuki's POV: How strange,Sarada was told she didn't have to stay;yet she's still here.I find it odd but i guess she's got intentions I'm unaware of,that or she really is just too kind to her upper classmen and teachers when they show her the same respect.We've only been here for an hour but it feels like it's been an eternity,Inojin has been using his beasts to clean up whatever he can and Shikadai had been scrubbing desks while Boruto wipes off the class windows and Sarada sweeps.I've been cleaning of the chalkboard but i finished thirty minutes ago and decided to help Shikadai and soon we finished off.

Shikadai: "Who's up for some burgers afterwards?" He called,not really enjoying the awkward silence in the room at the moment between all his friends.Yeah Boruto could have thrown some gum into Sarada's hair but it didn't seem likely at the moment.

Boruto: "Yeah,I'm down!" He chuckled,almost falling,screaming in a high pitch as he fell from standing on one of the desks.
Sarada immediately caught him as if it were an instinct of hers,everyone in the room wheezing from the scream,Boruto looking at Sarada now a bit shocked as she sighed,dropping him onto the floor before blushing  a light pink just like the male who was previously in her arms.Mitsuki sighed,nodding.."If most of us are going then I would like to join!" He smiled softly,Sarada decided she'd tag along as well once Inojin op'd in although the boy's figured she was ready to apologize once they'd get to their next destination.

Boruto had been a bit confused with Sarada AND Mitsuki lately,if one person was going then the other was as well and the class had been teasing or hinting at something every time Boruto  was near them.Sarada would give a death stare and Mitsuki would give his usual plain stare but wouldn't associate with Boruto for a certain amount of time.He wondered what had happened to the two when he'd only missed one day of school last week.Since the day his two closest friends had been acting pretty strange...He hoped he could get in on the small secret everyone had been hiding.

Little did the young ninja know,this 'small secret' was bigger than he'd expected.


N/A : Heya! So this is my first book on anything! I figured it would be a ship and even though I'm years late i wanted it to be a Boruto ship story,annyways..hope you like it!!  υ'• ﻌ •'υ

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