Chapter Two

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You step into your empty house, the jangling of your keys echoing through the dark and empty place the door behind you closes to. The smell of your home is much more refreshing than the constant smell of blood and ink that has been flooding your nostrils all the way back. You are surprised that you are not at the very least bit light-headed from blood loss, or experiencing a bigger stain from your own crimson blood. Though, come to think of it, you have been feeling applied pressure to your wound ever since you sat within your vehicle. Was he trying to halt the bleeding? If so, there is more to the creature you saw and panicked over than what you have observed. It (or he) seems to be very observant from what you have seen so far.

As you step further in the house, the ink from your clothing starts pouring once your feet stand in the middle of your tile flooring. Ink drips from your attire and on the floor in thick puddles rather than tiny drops, the pool around your feet moving to the space in front of you, the weight of your clothes decreasing by the second. You only now noticed how thick the ink is. A blood clot is almost a perfect comparison for it.

Before you know it, not a single part of your clothing is wet. However, what makes you mentally panic is that your clothes are still pitch black. All of it. Not a single colour other than black remains besides white buttons and such. "Damnit..." Well, guess it looks like you are dressing like you are attending a funeral from now on.

You are quite startled when you look back up and see a short and rounding figure with pie cut eyes staring back at you. You stumble back a bit as the two beads of ink stare back at you with a seemingly unwavering patience. He has a short and rounded stature with a clean, almost heart shaped plate of white on his face. His horns are even and the tail is somewhat shorter as it waves slowly behind him. Tap shoes reflect light and his grin is the whitest you have ever seen. It is a big contrast to his previous form. There is still a big puddle of ink that his form stands on, but your guess is that it is excess ink, since he takes on a smaller figure.

He seems a lot friendlier than before, as his figure is a complete one-eighty from his previous form. His image seems to pack a punch of harmlessness and peppy-ness. You can not help but notice how his clean gloves, bow, and smile stick out in contrast to the reflecting and composed ink that seems to be smooth as a flawless pearl. The grin on his face seems iconic and grabs your attention, and brings you a sense of importance to his character.

Your cognitive gears start churning and you recognize this as the design of the main character of the show - Bendy the Dancing Demon.

"I had to change to this so we could have a solid conversation, what with you lookin' like you were about to piss yourself in my presence and what not." Your eyes narrow a bit at the little demon, yet he seems to not care for your little glare. "Now. You must be curious on what I am, right?"

"Why there is a seemingly unkillable demon in my house? Yes, actually, I do wonder. How did you guess?" It seems your quippy remarks have returned upon familiar territory and confrontation with this less aggressive form. Curse the bad influence that is those Spider-man animated TV shows.

He exhales irrately, "I go by Bendy, yes, but I was not created. I am demon who took the form of a toon, merely for a deal made with a couple of humans. And that necklace around your neck?" He gestures to the pendant with a mere movement from his rounded head, "Isn't comin' off with a few pulls of your little human fingers."

"...what do you mean? How do I get it off?" Your hand finds its way to the gold chaining around your neck, shamelessly attempting to search for the hook once more.

"I don't know. That's what I would like to know though," he stares at the golden piece of jewelry for a few seconds, "do you have any books on rituals or somethin' around here?"

Dripping Ebony & Grinning Ivory {Bendy x Detective!Reader} [ S o u l m a t e s ]Where stories live. Discover now