Chapter One

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Another day with the sound of printing paper and pouring coffee mugs driving your auditory senses crazy.

People are seldom chatting as others focus on their work. You are just one at your desk, a body of no sleep and physical sadness. From what you can recall, you did not grab anything to eat this morning, so as consequence, your stomach groans at you every now and then as you feel almost unbearably empty.

At the moment, you are preoccupied with some paperwork and lending a helping hand to your boss, since there are not really many cases up for grabs right now, especially with the coworkers of this place who go and snatch all the cases, with commission money in their eyes and big grins on their faces. Though, this is Brooklyn, New York, so there are bound to be more to pop up. Crime manifests itself on the monthly, sometimes weekly, if the lot of you are lucky. Except for when the FBI pokes their head in and decides they are the only one for the job.

Honestly, they have good people and all, but sometimes you wish they would just shove it and piss off. You practically live and drown in your work for a reason, immersing your life within it, taking it home with you, and maybe even taking your home to work. It is kind of insulting that they think that you and the rest of the Brooklyn NYPD cannot handle things yourselves.

Your face twitches as you hear familiar footsteps that interrupt your train of thought.

"Hey! _______, what's goin' on? Any new cases?" You sigh a bit at the arrival of your coworker - Derrel. He is a tall Caucasian blonde with greyish-blue eyes, and he most often dresses semi-casual. He is a pretty outgoing guy - a social butterfly, if you will - but you shrink back at how loud his voice is and his circumstantial flamboyance. You were always more comfortable around more mellow people.

"If there were any new cases, everybody would be flocking around Judy."

"Well, that means you are open, right? How about we get a drink or somethin'? Things are gettin' boring around here. A bar with nice lights sounds great, right?"

"Go do your job." You are unsure if he is unlikable, or you are just unsociable. At one point, you and him made eye contact at Walmart. You got crafty and you lost him because you were uneager at the thought of him talking your ears off and asking for a coworker get-together.

"Well, I have an important case to attend to anyway." He waves the files for the triple count serial killer around. You have been wanting a case like that for ages now. However, Judy probably gave it to him for a reason, though, frankly, you are totally lost on what that reason may be.

"Alright. Why don't you go work on the case instead of pestering your coworkers then? Wouldn't want Judy to know that you aren't actually working on it and give it to someone who cares, like me, now would you?"

"Sure. Like you would snitch on me taking a break anyway." The tall and peached skin embodiment of a high school jock blonde walks off and you smile a bit.

Something about Derrel just makes you want to avoid eye contact with him. He has a mug with the words "Best Coworker" scrawled onto it very obviously in sharpie (you are not sure if he did that as a joke or not). If you make eye contact with him, he approaches you, like in the Pokémon games (where if you make eye contact with another trainer, it starts up a Pokémon battle). Not when on the job, though. You saw him on a crime scene once, and his expression changed to something much more serious, and it was like he dropped the outgoing co-worker act entirely, but would quickly shift immediately back into it when the need to be serious was no longer present.

Dripping Ebony & Grinning Ivory {Bendy x Detective!Reader} [ S o u l m a t e s ]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat