Arc 2.7 - Grayson Hale

Start from the beginning

"'s a half day..."

"No excuses! Tsk, still not moving? Fine," Adrian walked away from the bed, towards the bathroom, "I guess you need a little refresher from some good 'cold' tap water."

Grayson immediately snapped his eyes open and saw Adrian advancing towards his bathroom with a cup, from who knows where he got, in his hand.

'SHIT! The contacts!'

Adrian had just put his hand on the metal handle of the bathroom door when his shirt was suddenly pulled backwards, which made him stumble and almost fall if he hadn't hit Grayson's body.

Grayson kept his eyes closed as he held Adrian and skillfully maneuvered his way from the bathroom towards his closet. Adrian was just slightly surprised but let Grayson move them into the walk-in closet, with an eyebrow raised.

"Help me pick out an outfit, I'll go get washed up." Grayson said lazily with his husky morning voice before letting Adrian go and skillfully taking the cup currently in Adrian's hand. Adrian felt annoyed and irritated by Grayson so he didn't take any mind to his actions, instead scowled at him.

"Don't scowl so much, wouldn't want any wrinkles on that face of yours~" Grayson smirked as he lifted Adrian chin up.

"Hmmm, I just noticed that I don't have a proper picture on how you look like." He skillfully lied through his teeth and lightly touched his face with the back of his other hand, trying to get a picture from just his touch even though he already knew what Adrian's appearance was. But he let go with not a single change in his expression other than his smile growing.

He stepped away from Adrian and turned around, walking away while lightly trailing his fingers across the wall, to the closet door and out. He left, not knowing of Adrian's expression mixed with confusion and a complexing emotion that Adrian couldn't grasp on. He narrowed his eyes, shaking off the strange feeling and looked around the closet to get Grayson some clothes.

Grayson walked out of the closet and let out a breath of relief.

'That was close. Thankfully I pulled him away at the last second and distracted him. Otherwise he would've found out!' He walked into the bathroom and immediately began tidying up and hiding away the contacts that he carelessly left out last night after he took them off. There was an electric razor and his touchscreen phone inside the bathroom as well. If Adrian saw all that stuff he would 100% be suspicious and eventually connect the dots. It's not that Grayson didn't want his friend to know, he just didn't want him to find out from such an obvious way like this.

Grayson has been working extremely (not really) hard on dropping certain hints towards Adrian every now and then. For example, taking some of Adrian's popcorn blatantly and openly when they were watching a movie at a theatre, knowing that Adrian was there even if he didn't announce his presence, taking things (like he did with the cup) that he shouldn't know were there without touching around if he couldn't see...etc.

However, these were things that people would only catch if they were paying attention, and Grayson always did these kinds of actions when he thought that Adrian was too distracted to notice or just not looking. Honestly, Grayson could see Adrian being suspicious at times but never actually sought to investigate it, regardless, he knew it would be spilled out sooner or later. But again, Grayson didn't want his friend to find out in this way.

He had just finished with the typical morning routine and was washing his face with cold water when Adrian walked in quietly and silently observed Grayson's well-defined, lean body with an unknown intensity. Grayson closed the tap and brought his face up as if to look at himself in the mirror but kept his eyes closed. He obviously knew Adrian walked in with his faint breathing and footsteps being as clear as day to him, no matter how quietly Adrian walked in.

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